Dressing for prom isn't as daunting a task as it is for girls. You may not think things like your hair, cologne or accessories matter too much, but they can in fact make or break your entire look.

Have your hair trimmed a week before prom. The day of, cleanse your face with a moisturizing cleanser, and rid all stubble by shaving your face with products with hydrating properties.

Don't be afraid to jazz up your suit by adding a new tie, cuff links or a nice belt. You may want to ask your date what colour her dress is and coordinate your tie.

Lightly splash on a favourite cologne or spray. The keyword is "lightly"-you want to avoid leaving a trail behind you.

Invest in a nice pair of dress shoes. Or make sure the pair you plan to wear are polished and not scuffed. Sorry guys, no sneakers or white gym socks allowed!