Do you find yourself getting angry a lot? Hey, you're only human. It'd be unusual if you never got mad. The trick is to find healthy ways to deal with all that anger when it comes up.

Facts about anger:
- Bottled up anger can become explosive and ruin important relationships.
- It's healthy to say what makes you angry.
- It's OK to feel angry as long as you don't hurt others, yourself or property.
- Violent anger is never OK.

Here are some tips to help let it out and let it go:
- Separate people from problems.
- Look for a real solution as opposed to revenge.
- Talk to the person you're angry with. - Express your feelings to clarify the situation-not to blame others.
- Use "I" statements such as "I feel angry when _______ (describe what happened) because ______ (say why it upset you) and
- I would like ______ (state what you think is the best solution to the problem)."
- Avoid "you" statements as they put the other person on the defensive.


Most people don't think that they will ever get a sexually transmitted infection, but a recent study concluded that one in every four teens having sex before graduation will get infected.

STIs can be spread by kissing or touching areas that are infected and by sharing needles with an infected person. Be prepared to protect yourself -- always use a latex condom with spermicide.

Common symptoms of STIs include one or more of the following:
- Itching
- Burning when you go to the bathroom
- Discharge
- Aches and pains
- Rashes
- Sores on genitals or mouth

See a doctor right away if you develop any of these symptoms.