Kirsten Dunst, Jason Schwartzman 
Story: The gal supposedly behind the famous quote "Let them eat cake", Marie Antoinette becomes engaged to the King of France while still a teen, later becoming the nation's most misunderstood monarch. 
A history lesson set to cool music from New Order and others. 
Release Date: October 20

Tobin Bell, Shawnee Smith 
Story: Serial killer Jigsaw continues to "teach" those who are undeserving of life alongside his new apprentice. 
Buzz: All three Toronto-filmed Saw movies have been released the week of Halloween. 
Release Date: October 27

Sacha Baron Cohen, Pamela Anderson 
Story: Kazakhstan's sixth most famous man travels to the United States to report on the country while becoming infatuated with Pamela Anderson. 
Buzz: Cohen, the man of many faces, is the guy behind HBO's Da Ali G Show
Release Date: November 3

Stars: Hilary Swank, Anna Sophia Robb 
Story: A former Christian missionary investigates a small town that has been overrun with thousands of locusts but can't find a scientific explanation for it. Buzz: The stars and crew of the movie had to be evacuated from Louisiana when their set was hit by Hurricane Katrina last year. 
Release Date: November 10 [moved to March 30, 2007]