ctress/singer Courtney Love probably won't look back at her time in Vancouver with any fondness. During the filming of 24 Hours with Charlize Theron and Kevin Bacon, Love was hit with her share of troubles. She was sued by a Vancouver homeowner who claimed Love agreed to lease his home during the shoot. Love reportedly moved in for a day before moving to a hotel. Then $100,000 worth of her jewels were stolen from her hotel room, including a $30,000 ring given to her by actor Edward Norton and her wedding ring from her late husband, Kurt Cobain. All these troubles come on the heels of what Love claimed was a 20-month campaign of terror by the ex-wife of record exec Jim Barber. Lesley Barber blames Love for the breakup of her marriage and, according to Love, was reportedly stalking her. And to add injury to insult, Love says the woman purposely ran her down with her car in June of last year, injuring her foot.