aries march 21-april 20
New liaisons set sparks flying now - but in a good way. The
romance scenario, especially, is liberally laced with passion. Mark the 13th and the 23rd as days when love scenes turn steamy. But a new business partnership also fires brilliant ideas from the 1st on. Mark the 11th, though, as a day when you're far too eager to take a financial dare. You're ready to take charge at work late in the month. Fortunately, those around you pick up their cues and play supporting roles.

taurus april 21-may 21
You're tempted to mix business with pleasure. And mostly this strategy will work this month. Show your famous charm as you entertain colleagues. Best time for new agreements, personal and professional: 5-7th. After the 11th, rehearse sweet nothings to whisper in someone's ear. A potential co-star who's been waiting in the wings is ready to listen. Put the brakes on your self-indulgent streak late in the month, though. A bit of moderation helps you avoid morning-after regrets.

gemini may 22-june 21
All's not quiet on the work front. But it's more cheers than jeers you hear. What's most rewarded: Finding new ways to do the same old thing, especially around the 8th. Solidify ties of affection mid-month, but don't lock anything in cement. After the 23rd, some relationships take on a competitive edge. But those who challenge your authority find you a tougher opponent than they thought. The full moon of the 30th brings a cherished dream to light.

cancer june 22-july 22
You're content to go with the flow for now. Why not? You bob on a flood tide of peace and contentment. Pick one or more to focus on: a new love, your children or creative efforts. Whichever area you choose will flourish. Matters of the heart seem very clear on the 7th, but you're getting mixed messages by the 13th. At month's end, don't back off from taking on a work commitment. The 26th is prime time for showing what you're made of. Demonstrate greater self-reliance and confidence.

leo july 23-aug 23

Your sign is said to rule the heart. Matters of same are happily accented on the 1st to the 5th and 20th. You have only to unfurl your playfulness and sense of drama. Then all the right people come your way for all the right reasons. Begin a serious romance or indulge in light-hearted flirtation, the choice is yours. Mid-month, you may be wheeling and dealing in property. Be sure to read any fine print carefully, though. By the 24th you're still thinking of home, but more about decorating and entertaining.

Meg Ryan - Scorpio, born November 19, 1961

Bubbly, perky, charming, the girl next door - these adjectives are often applied to Meg's on and off-screen persona. Yet Scorpios are known for their dark and brooding characters, with even a touch of ruthlessness. Most of Meg's effervescence comes from the placement of Mars in Sagittarius in her chart. She'll always have a whimsical quality, and her good will and just plain niceness are genuine. Add to this a Moon in Aries, which indicates she'll always have a youthful image and spunk to spare. As this star hits Big Four-Oh-No, it seems her only lapse into public scandal was the affair with Russell Crowe while still married to now ex Dennis Quaid. It was a confusing year for Meg, who also decided to disband her production company in 2000. Like many Scorpios, she overcame a childhood of deprivation and abandonment that would have broken an ordinary spirit. Meg will soon be back in control, ready for a new lease on her career. She stars in Kate and Leopold with Hugh Jackman next month, and watch for her to achieve fresh successes in 2002.
virgo aug 24-sept 23
The full moon on the 1st sheds new light on the old routine. The biggest surprise: daily life is easier to navigate than you imagined. With a little reorgan-ization, you now have more mobility and free time. Mid-month, you step in and untangle a complex family matter. Letting others speak their minds helps clear an impasse, and you set the stage for future harmony. Take advantage of a chance to travel after the 26th.

libra sept 24-oct 23
No matter where you go, bargains abound between the 1st and 8th. Spruce up your home or wardrobe. After that, it's far too clear living high on the hog means you must bring home the bacon. If you've dipped into the joint account, a partner will be on your case from the 13-15th. Later in the month, progress on the professional scene is just about guaranteed, though slower than you'd like. Do put the hammer down between the 25-30th, prime time for showing what you're made of.

scorpio oct 24-nov 22
Your best strategy early this month: shameless self-promotion. Though you prefer a more reserved style, do blow your own horn. Keep up the racket until the 8th when you could catch the ear of someone influential. Mid-month the focus shifts to finances. It's time to clear up old misunderstandings or blunders, and make any amends you need to. The scenario takes on a rosy filter late in the month. The 20th is especially soft-focus, and by the 26th life à deux feels just fine.

sagittarius nov 23-dec 21
You're taking stock of the roles others play in your life. It's time to cast new characters and recast some others, especially on the 5th. New friends open new doors. From the 8-11th you step out into a social whirl, and the ride will be thrilling. Mid-month, though, the urge is to get away from it all. Head for the great outdoors, even if only from your armchair. On the 26th your mental powers are at their sharpest. You're able to come up with cutting-edge solutions.

capricorn dec 22-jan 20
You're tempted to throw your usual fiscal caution to the winds. Fortunately, taking a chance in either love or money now will likely work out. Around the 8th, especially, you reap unexpected rewards. Keep affection and money in separate compartments around mid-month, though. A friend may try to take advantage of you. But a lighter trend prevails around the 25th, making you downright flirtatious.

aquarius jan 21-feb 18
Send up as many trial balloons as you want early this month. Your
unusual solutions are more than hot air, and influential people will agree. As
usual, your social calendar runneth over, especially from the 5-11th. Keep your ear tuned to the rumor mill around the 15th. Following up on what you hear could work to your advantage. The rest of the month, you call the shots in every area of your life. But on the 26th, someone could make a move that spoils your aim.

pisces feb 19-march 20
The scenario seems to call for all romance, all the time. The start of a new love affair or rekindling of an old one may prove consuming. Best not to exclude other plot lines, though. Strive to keep your life in balance and resist sacrificing all for love. The 17th is a time when you can speak your mind and others will listen. Small wonder, since you express yourself with creativity and passion. On the 25th, those in your vicinity are fractious. Best handle with kid gloves.

                                                       Susan Kelly