aries march 21-april 20
There's a strong sense of swimming against the financial tide. Still, a promising offer lurks in the depths, and may surface around the 4th or 16th. Taking a more business-like approach in all dealings increases the flow. Around the 20th, last minute re-writes in the romance scenario give you pause. Best take a step back and re-evaluate this relationship. But you're on solid ground by the 25th, a time when you may radically change your outlook on many things.

taurus april 21-may 21
Take shelter from life's storms this month. The safest refuges are also your favorites: love and money. Someone near will bolster your ego and help you with a financial dilemma on the 9th. But around the 17th, your boss or bank manager may not be so kindly disposed. Strategy, not your strong suit, now makes you highly effective. Focus on long-term planning from the 23rd on. You can pretty much set the pace from then on, but resist leaping to conclusions on the 30th.

gemini may 22-june 21
The script just won't gel. Time to focus on one main plot line instead of many divergent ones. To work or to party? Your best bet is a balance of the two. Mark the 16th as a time to incorporate a very warm and enticing romance into the scenario. After the 23rd, accept the fact that you have no control over a higher-up's mutterings. Just keep your temper and hang on to your integrity. The wanderlust also beckons, and you may head off to a sun-and-sand destination.

cancer june 22-july 22
It's chaos on the set until the 10th. Read between the lines in any scenario presented to you by relatives or other loved ones. But you get clearer, more welcome messages from someone close around the 12th. At last you can end your silence and let your views be known. The 23rd marks a make-or-break time in a job or health matter. You're due for a boost of success or prosperity. Circle the 30th as a time when you get what you wish for, so make it the moon!

leo july 23-aug 23
Emotions are running high, with many plot twists that aren't to your liking. Watch your ad-libs, as an off-the-cuff remark could be more cutting than intended on the 9th. But do give voice to the creative solutions that strike you around the 17th. Your ideas are right on target, especially on the job. One may even put you in line for a raise in status. After the 23rd, get ready for a cycle of delightful socializing. Meanwhile, a romance reaches the point of no return.

virgo aug 24-sept 23
Your patience skates on very thin ice until the 9th. You can bear with stagnant or unfulfilled ambitions no longer. Make no rash moves before mid-month, after which most impediments are removed. Until then, impersonate serene self-confidence. A love scene around the 15-16th leaves you longing for a retake. With a little effort, you will get a second chance to make your feelings known. But commitments made around the 23rd tend to become engraved in stone.

Samantha Bond - Sagittarius,
born November 27, 1962

Sagittarian women tend to be bold, frank, shoot-from-the-hip kind of gals. Since Samantha has both the Sun and Moon in that sign, it's obvious she's quite different from the live-to-serve Miss Moneypenny. This sign is also known for having high brainy ladies with above-average tastes. Samantha apparently never saw a 007 film before she took over the role in 1995. Trained in classical theater, she has appeared on Broadway opposite Judi Dench, starred in London theater productions and with the Royal Shakespeare Company with Kenneth Branagh. Off screen and stage, she demonstrates a flair for protest in support of good causes, à la other famous Sagittarians like Jane Fonda. Bond has been quoted as saying: "Injustice has always made my blood boil." This sign is also known for rollicking good humor. Look for her to next tackle comedy to add to her long string of film and stage credits.

libra sept 24-oct 23
Those around you keep pushing you to get involved in interesting new projects. But nothing really appealing appears until the 12th. Remember to give all that comes your way a solid reality check before going into production. You yearn for more solid financial progress. Circle the 19th: that's when the tide will turn. You're more open about your true desires late in the month. Still, you may have to wait until after the 25th for your ship to reach safe harbor.

scorpio oct 24-nov 22
It's another month for make-or-break situations, your forte. They spice up the screenplay, but can be hard on your nerves. Much is left unresolved until excellent progress is possible around the 17th. After that time, friends and colleagues pick up their cues and play supporting roles. Be glad of the assistance, and show appreciation. Love is sweet, and possibly clandestine, around the 22nd. More promising prospects soon appear, and the 30th could be thrilling.

sagittarius nov 23-dec 21
You're all fired up with no particular place to go. Until the 9th, it's best to relax a little. One outlet: thinking of sweet nothings to whisper in someone special's ear. Meanwhile, you could have some explaining to do around the 17th. After that, would-be mentors appear in the oddest places. Do take all you hear with a grain of salt. But you can revel in star billing just about wherever you go after the 23rd. Make the most of all opportunities - laugh, mingle, feast.

capricorn dec 22-jan 20
Until the 9th neither tact nor brutal honesty seems to get you anywhere. Practice diplomacy and good manners anyway. You are laser-focussed, though, and much is accomplished. Around the 16th, a tabloid-worthy romance could begin. Think carefully before getting involved in anything that could lead to gossip, though. There will be better fish in the sea come holiday season. You're set for some heavy thinking after the 23rd, when your insights are deeply meaningful.

aquarius jan 21-feb 18
Those close to you make unrealistic demands, assuming you want to sacrifice your ideas for theirs. Though well-meaning they just muddle orders and schedules. After the 9th the confusion lifts, and you're in charge again. Bonus: you could land a very nice new job offer or assignment. The passion quotient soars around the 13th, then becomes sweet and serene by the 23rd. It's also a power time on the job, when your creative thinking meets with cheers.

pisces feb 19-march 20
Your head is in the clouds until the 9th, then you come down to Earth. Most projects involve entertaining, a subject high on the agenda all month. From the 16-17th, romance takes a very serious turn. Ready or not, promises will be made that you'll be expected to keep. Other people at work are re-writing the script. You'll have to speak up if you want a more prominent role. Ample action and romance lace the scenario from the 23rd on.

                                                       Susan Kelly