Two-time Oscar winner Tom Hanks stars in the new movie
Cast Away
this month. In his many roles, he's made us laugh and he's made us cry, but do you remember all
that he's made?  Test your knowledge on Tom Hanks.

1. In the film Big, how did Tom get big?
    a) Drinking milk
    b) Making a wish
    c) Pulled on the rack

2. Who was Tom's costar in You've Got Mail?
    a) Meg Ryan
    b) Melanie Griffith
    c) Robin Wright

3. Tom has directed only one feature film. Which is it?
    a) The Bonfire of the Vanities
    b) That Thing You Do
    c) Bachelor Party

4. Early in his career, Tom starred in a television show. What   
    was it?
    a) Blossom
    b) M*A*S*H
    c) Bosom Buddies

5. Tom won his first Oscar in what film?
    a) Forrest Gump
    b) The Man with One Red Shoe
    c) Philadelphia

6. In Splash, where did first he meet the mermaid?
    a) In the sea as a boy
    b) While surfing
    c) On a fishing hook

Match the Tom Hanks character with the film:

1. Det. Scott Turner  a) Dragnet
2. Woody   b) Joe Versus the Volcano
3. Forrest Gump    c) Toy Story 2
4. Pep Streebeck                           d) Forrest Gump
5. Joe Banks e) Turner & Hooch
6. Sam Baldwin           f)  Sleepless in Seattle

Quotes: match the Tom Hank lines with the movie.

1. "Houston, we have a problem." a) Saving Private Ryan
2. "You are a TOY!" b) A League Of Their Own

3. "I just can’t see God putting a gift
like that in the hands of a man who would kill a child."

c) Toy Story
4. "It’s like finding a needle in a stack
of needles."
d) The Green Mile
5. "There’s no crying in baseball" e) Apollo 13