tart, the gritty coming-of-age story filmed in Toronto this winter, features Dominique Swain (who was plucked from her Malibu high school to play the lead in Lolita), Brad Renfro, Bijou Phillips and Scott Thompson.

The life of the party on set was Thompson who, from all reports, often broke into characters from Kids in the Hall. But it was his sense of comic editorial that was most acute. In one scene, he wakes up in bed between Swain and Renfro. Off camera, Thompson exclaimed, "I'm fulfilling the fantasies of 99 percent of the population!"

All was proceeding smoothly on the set of Clement Virgo's new twentysomething romantic drama, Love Come Down, as they moved to their location at Roxy Blu nightclub in Toronto. Next door to the club was a schoolyard where kids seemed happily oblivious to the long row of trailers set up for cast and crew. That is, until one recess, when an astute primary school student stopped producer Damon D'Oliveira and asked who was in the film. "Do you know Deborah Cox?" D'Oliveira answered, testing the popularity of his leading lady, the R&B songstess, who was making her film debut.
Within seconds, the quiet school yard erupted into fan-demonium with kids chanting, "We want Deborah!" Audience approval doesn't get any more immediate than that.

And it appears that Toronto is attracting every animal actor on the planet. The set of Peter Benchley's Amazon TV series is harboring an animal wrangler plus a bug-reptile-fish wrangler for their cast, which includes a 12-inch Goliath bird-eating spider, a foot-long centipede, pink-toed tarantulas and a school of razor-fanged piranha.
Closer to Lake Ontario, the set of the Bait also has some exotic talent. Director Antoine Fuqua (The Replacement Killers) has created his own zoo at Exhibition Place by importing his own elephants and camels. It's the entire Hollywood North food chain.
                                                         - Cynthia Amsden -

finally, Edmonton is getting the chance to play itself in a movie. Daniel Baldwin was there to shoot the thriller, Framed. Scenes feature the West Edmonton Mall, the legislature and the Perogi House. While Baldwin is the most recognizable name in the picture, many of the cast members are also excited about working with Canadian talent, Leslie Hope (Summer of the Monkeys), who plays Daniel's ex-wife.While in Edmonton, Baldwin took in the opera, went to an Oilers game and rode the roller-coaster at the Mall.

This month, Sarah Polley, Nastassja Kinsky, Peter Mullen and American Beauty's, Wes Bentley pull into Calgary to begin work on Kingdom Come. Scheduled for a 10-week shoot, the $60 million (US) production will transport the Thomas Hardy novel, The Mayor of Castorbridge, to the 1849 Gold-Rush era in California.

Over 500 extras, livestock, horses and wranglers are to be transported to the back of Fortress Mountain in Kananaskis country. They will be on site for approximately four weeks, after which they move closer to town and take over the old Lonesome Dove set. Madonna, originally interested in starring as a saloon owner, is no longer attached to the project.
                                                                                    - Karen Ashbee -