Sleeping Beauty

Sleeping Beauty Movie Poster
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Rotten Tomatoes® Score
Tomatometer 90% Audience Score 80%

In theatres:
  • February 6, 1959
On DVD: October 7, 2008
Disney+: November 12, 2019
Running time: 1h 15m
Genre: Fantasy, Animation, Drama

After many years of trying to conceive, King Stefan and Queen Leah finally give birth to their first and only daughter Princess Aurora. They welcome the subjects to pay their respects to the new baby and among the guests are three fairies - Flora, Fauna and Merryweather.

While the three fairies bless the child with special gifts, an evil fairy named Maleficent shows up uninvited and curses the poor princess - on her sixteenth birthday, she will prick her finger and die. Merryweather then uses her gift to weaken the curse. Her blessing states that Aurora will fall into a deep sleep when pricked, only to be awakened by her true love's kiss.

The fairies devise a plan to hide the princess until her sixteenth birthday, but on the day of her birthday, Maleficent finds out where the princess is and follows through with her plan. Now, it is up to her true love's kiss to find her and break the curse.

Director: Clyde Geronimi
Studio: Walt Disney Studios
Producer(s): Walt Disney
Cast: Mary Costa, Bill Shirley, Eleanor Audley, Verna Felton, Barbara Jo Allen, Barbara Luddy, Barbara Allen, Taylor Holmes, Bill Amsbery, Candy Candido, Dal McKennon
Writer(s): Erdman Penner
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