Courtney Love thinks she found missing Malaysia airplane

Courtney Love fueled the world’s ever-growing fascination with the Malaysia Airlines flight that mysteriously vanished on March 8 by claiming she located the plane submerged in the ocean near Pulau Perak, where the flight was reportedly last heard from before disappearing. The singer, 49, posted an image that she found on satellite imaging website Tomnod and added a few adjustments before tweeting it.

Her assumptions were based on what she thinks looks like a plane and an oil slick, using arrows to point to the evidence in the image. However, her seemingly innocent intentions were met with mockery on the Internet and spawned a wave of memes pocking fun at her mystery-solving ways.

Courtney explained to the New York Magazine that she just wanted to help in the search: “I saw an article asking people to help search on so I decided to give it a shot. I figured a plane would still be leaking some fuel so I searched for signs of an oil slick. I found one and there appeared to be an object nearby. I don’t know if it is the plane or not, but I figured I’d do my part and bring some awareness to the site, for the sake of all the families involved.” However, ruled out Courtney’s theory, saying that what she saw is more likely to be “boats operating in the region.” ~Yara Matar[poll id=”569″]