F. Scott Fitzgerald personal ledger now online

F. Scott Fitzgerald fans now have the opportunity to take a look into the daily scribbles and life of the famous American author. A 200 page ledger from the University of South Carolina’s Thomas Cooper Library was recently made into a digital version accessible online. The ledger includes a list of Fitzgerald’s earnings from works such as his renowned novel The Great Gatsby. With the film release of The Great Gatsby starring Leonardo DiCaprio approaching, Elizabeth Sudduth, director of the Ernest F. Hollings Library and Rare Books Collection told CTV News she believes there is going to be an even greater interest in the Fitzgerald collection. She says the original ledger with its now-yellowed pages will be on display at the library starting May 6. “This is a record of everything Fitzgerald wrote, and what he did with it, in his own hand,” she said. The library’s complete collection, valued at more than $4 million, comprises over 3,000 publications, manuscripts, letters, book editions, screenplays and memorabilia, including Fitzgerald’s personal walking stick, briefcase and an engraved silver flask given to him by his wife. ~Rebecca Raveendran