George Lucas predicts end of world

Green Hornet star Seth Rogen says that during a recent meeting with George Lucas and Steven Spielberg, Lucas talked non-stop about how the world will end next year.

Rogen was quoted by the Toronto Sun as saying: “George Lucas sits down and seriously proceeds to talk for around 25 minutes about how he thinks the world is gonna end in the year 2012. Like, for real. He thinks it. He’s going on about the tectonic plates and all the time Spielberg is, like, rolling his eyes, like, ‘My nerdy friend won’t shut up, I’m sorry.'”

Lucas’ daughter Katie explained her father’s comments on Twitter, tweeting: “Regarding my pops thinking the world is going to end in 2012: I have no idea if the conversation actually happened. But he would TOTALLY say that. As a joke, obviously. Geez people, it’s funny. Get over it!”

If Lucas does believe the world will end in 2012, he’s not the only one. Ashton Kutcher recently told Men’s Fitness magazine he’s keeping in shape because he believes there’s going to be an apocalypse in which the population will panic and food supplies will be cut off, while Dan Aykroyd told the Las Vegas ReviewJournal last year: “It won’t be the end of the world physically as we know it. But it will be the end of consciousness and the end of perception as we know it.”