Hubby admits he got Winehouse hooked

Amy Winehouse’s husband, Blake Fielder-Civil, told Britain’s News of the World, that it’s his fault Amy’s such a mess,  stating, “I introduced her to heroin, crack cocaine and self-harming. I feel more than guilty — now I have to let her go to save her life.” Fielder-Civil says he will not contest her impending request for divorce, saying, “I am not abandoning her. I am doing this out of love.” He also told the paper that in the summer of 2007, Amy almost died in front of him. He confessed, “I was there when Amy suffered her first seizure. I still break down thinking about it. We had been taking drugs all day long – heroin and crack.” Fielder-Civil was just released from jail after serving 12 months for aggravated assault and obstruction of justice. He’s currently in a rehab clinic. Winehouse is currently in a London hospital after suffering a “bad reaction to medication.” The two were married in May, 2007.