Hugh Jackman wants to team up with the Avengers

Hugh Jackman, 44,  made it big as the face of Wolverine in the X-Men franchise and recently said he feels like he’s finally achieved the physique he wants for the character… but this actor has bigger dreams. Hugh thinks it would be fantastic if the Avengers franchise could collaborate with X-Men, saying, “I don’t know what’s happening behind the scenes, but I think it’s fantastic. I actually just asked the other day, I said, ‘I don’t know what the legal situation is, but why don’t these companies come together? Why isn’t it possible?’” Hugh says Marvel seems more inclusive with characters than it’s been in the past and he “would love to mix it up with Robert Downey Jr. and Iron Man and kick his ***. It’d be great… Consistency is incredible. Who wouldn’t want to be involved with that?” Fox owns X-Men and Marvel owns Avengers, but maybe the two could agree to let the super heroes and mutants team up! ~Sarah Dos Santos