James Franco: Lindsay Lohan sex list ‘a lie’

James Franco was on Howard Stern’s radio show on Wednesday to talk about films, theater, his new poetry book Directing Herbert White — and rumors that he had been intimate with Lindsay Lohan, who included him on her infamous sex list. “It’s a lie,” James said. “I’ll swear on my mother’s life that I never had sex with her.” He admitted that he made out with her, but he considers that ancient history. “Every time I’ve brought her into my life… it’s turned really lame,” the Of Mice and Men Broadway star said. “I can’t believe she put me on that private list, she’s so delusional!” The pair have known each other for years and before James became famous, he admitted he had a bit of a crush on the Mean Girls actress. Years later, the flirtation continued when both were living at Hollywood’s Chateau Marmont Hotel. “She even broke into my room one time,” James admitted. “I was on the couch and opened my eyes and there’s Lindsay in my room at 3 a.m.”

As for his recent Instagram flirtation with 17-year-old Lucy Clode, James thinks the media misinterpreted the whole situation. “I’m not going to high schools, looking for dates,” James said, explaining that he wasn’t hitting on a teen girl; that it was the other way around. ~Alexandra Sharova