Jared Leto hasn’t seen Dallas Buyers Club

Jared Leto, 42, hasn't seen Dallas Buyers Club. The actor - who picked up Best Supporting Actor for his role as transsexual AIDS victim Rayon in the movie at Sunday's Oscars - hasn't seen it yet because filming was such an ''intense'' experience. Speaking on The Ellen DeGeneres Show yesterday, he said: ''I have not seen the film yet. I think one day I will watch it, because, you know, I'll be curious at some point. But it was such an intense role. It's better for me to just leave it alone right now.'' Jared appeared on the show just a few hours after getting home for the night, but wasn't upset at his lack of sleep. He said: ''I got in at -- I think the crack ass of dawn last night, maybe 6 o'clock, 5:30. Don't feel sorry for me, this is a time to revel in it, it's a sunrise you want to see. My mother, my brother were there and one of the highlights of the night was seeing my mom dance with Madonna. You meet all these amazing people last night, whether it was Jane Fonda or Liza Minnelli...''