John Travolta reincarnation photo on eBay

John Travolta in his younger years at left/A vintage photo at right

A vintage photo that looks eerily like John Travolta has surfaced up on eBay with an asking price of $50,000. The seller, “a long time collector of old photographs,” from Ontario, describes the photo: “I believe this is the photograph of a very young John Travolta taken around 1860… This is a ruby glass ambrotype photograph and it is one of a kind. For those of you who don’t know, John Travolta is a Scientologist and many Scientologists believe in a type of reincarnation. Of course Time travel can’t be ruled out as well. It hasn’t been changed, tampered with or altered in anyway. It is clear and is as nice as the day it was taken roughly 151 years ago.” However, just like the Nicolas Cage vintage photo that was for sale several weeks ago, the auction has been taken down by eBay. Mord, the seller of the Cage photo, says eBay took the listing down because he was “using a brand name” by mentioning Cage. He relisted it without using the actor’s name, but eBay removed it again, claiming there were “reports” the photo was not authentic. However, Dartmouth professor and digital forensics expert Hany Farid told ABC News that the photo resembling Cage appears to be real. “It is pretty low resolution and quality, but I can tell you that the lighting on the head, body, clothes, and eyes are consistent with a light source up and to the right of the photographer. It is usually very hard to precisely match lighting in an image like this. Otherwise, there are no obvious signs of photo manipulation.”