Joseph Fiennes cast as Michael Jackson

Actor Joseph Fiennes has completed a role as Michael Jackson in a British TV movie about the Sept. 11 attacks.

No, that’s not a joke. Nor is it some bizarre fan-fiction.

The Shakespeare In Love star portrays the late King of Pop as he tries to escape New York City with Elizabeth Taylor and Marlon Brando after the events of 9/11.

The movie is based on a Vanity Fair report that alleges the superstar, along with Taylor and Brando, rented a car and attempted to drive cross country back to Los Angeles to escape the Twin Tower attacks.

There’s already controversy surrounding this casting news, with fans and critics alike questioning the legitimacy of a white actor portraying an African American.

Forbes film critic Scott Mendelson tweeted: “Congratulations to noted African-American actor Joseph Fiennes on being cast as Michael Jackson…”

Joseph told Entertainment Tonight: “I’m a white, middle-class guy from London. I’m as shocked as you may be.”

When talking to ET Canada Joseph confirmed that he has, in fact, already completed the role, adding: “It’s a tongue in cheek, fun, light look at three wonderful characters that we know, Michael Jackson, Liz Taylor and Marlon Brando, and they go on a roadtrip together. Some say it’s an urban legend. And our story says if it happened, maybe it happened like this.”

The 9/11 drama will air on British channel Sky Arts, and will feature Stockard Channing as Taylor and Brian Cox as Brando.

No word on a North American release date yet. ~Shelby Morton