Lindsay Lohan says her dad needs meds

By Alexandra Heilbron on September 26, 2008 | 10 Comments

Lindsay LohanMichael Lohan has again ranted to the press about how much he dislikes Samantha Ronsen, his daughter Lindsay’s best friend. In an email published on, he wrote: “I am compelled to state my concerns about the effect Samantha is having on my daughter. First of all, I don’t believe that the recent blogs posted by “Lindsay” were written by her. As far as the comments themselves, I think that we can all see that anyone with something negative to say about Samantha, is attacked by the “person” writing the blog (probably Samantha herself)!!! There is a lot more to Samantha than meets the eye! Not that what we see is soooo pleasing anyway! I mean, what’s with this ….”person”??? Look at the way she “dresses”? Once more, she uses her middle finger more than she uses words! Personally, I think she is dark, hideous and a disgusting representation of humanity!” He goes on to write that Joe Francis (Girls Gone Wild) is a good person who’s also concerned about Samantha’s effect on Lindsay. What’s that? Is Michael suggesting his daughter would be better off with that scumbag? Anyway, in response, Lindsay told “My father obviously needs to be on medication to control his moods. He is out of line and his words show how much anger he has, and it’s dangerous and scary as it reminds me of how he treated my mother and I my whole childhood. He needs to be stopped. This is yet another reason why we aren’t speaking.”

Comments & Discussion

  1. Nancy • September 26, 2008 @ 8:21 AM

    Well yes, it’s very important that people who are “disturbed” take their meds!!

  2. ;> • September 26, 2008 @ 12:44 PM

    Nancy, it’s 9am. Time for your “feel-goods”.

  3. Nancy • September 26, 2008 @ 1:29 PM

    Sorry, I don’t put that crap in my body and you should really look at the clock next time before you claim that it is “9am”.

  4. Whatever • September 26, 2008 @ 6:32 PM

    stuff like this that people have to live with, makes me glad for my parents. even though we fight like crazy, never anything like this.
    i dont know how she deals with it.
    too bad for him and her family.

  5. jrobert • September 26, 2008 @ 7:05 PM

    In this case I would say that Lindsay Lohan is not unlike her father in that she too appears to need meds.It`s obviously a very troubled family and I hope they all seek out the help they desperately need.

  6. Patricia • September 27, 2008 @ 3:51 AM

    It is a real sorry state of affairs(excuse the pun) when your father carries on like a lunatic in public about your friends and your life. Michael should get on with his own life and not worry about anyone elses. His daughter is old enough and rich enough to run her own life now. He is likely sorry he isn’t getting any more cash out of Lindsay so he is lashing out about her lifestyle. The kid is doing just fine now the parents should just back off and let her live it as she sees fit.

  7. AN • September 27, 2008 @ 11:38 PM

    I think Daddy is just keeping her name in the news. Any publicity is “good” publicity for a celeb.
    Nobody would even care about of Lindsay Lohan anymore, but Daddy keeps her in the gossip columns, keeping her famous, and himself as well!
    He could be a Celebrity Agent, as long as he takes his meds. Right Jo-Anne? ;>

  8. Shae • September 29, 2008 @ 4:30 PM

    He’s just jealous…..of both of them

  9. Nancy • September 29, 2008 @ 4:58 PM

    She wouldn’t know AN. She’s not even taking her own meds! Hahahaha.

  10. tributegirl • October 4, 2008 @ 12:32 AM

    Yes, he should take his meds, like father, like daugher!

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