New Austin Powers parody trailer spoofs modern, gritty movies

When Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery hit theaters in May 1997, it was the sleeper spoof that the moviegoing world needed, eventually becoming the universally-recognized parody of those campy James Bond spy films that studios just loved to churn out.

And now, thanks to the editing of one talented YouTuber, the shagadelic spy is taking aim at the super-serious, gritty remakes that now pervade our silver screens (Think: the upcoming Jason Bourne or the recent Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice).

“Starring” Oscar-winner Kevin Spacey, and “directed” by Sam Mendes, this climactic version has all the makings of the next Skyfall or Spectre, minus the muted colors and a sweaty Daniel Craig. It takes Austin Powers originally over-the-top comedic tone and turns into an epic origin story set against bold title cards and ultra-dramatic music.

With rumors swirling about a fourth Austin Powers movie, or who’s to be the next Bond, this hilarious trailer couldn’t have come at a more perfect time. Check it out below: