New movies in theaters – The 355 featuring an all star cast!

With restrictions on public gatherings put into place in some states and provinces, several movies have been pushed to openings later in the year. However, there’s still one brand new movie opening this weekend: The 355 — an action/thriller with an all-star cast. Check out the description and trailer below. ~Alexandra Heilbron

The 355 – When a top-secret weapon falls into mercenary hands, wild card CIA agent Mason “Mace” Brown (Jessica Chastain) will need to join forces with rival badass German agent Marie (Diane Kruger), former MI6 ally and cutting-edge computer specialist Khadijah (Lupita Nyong’o), and skilled Colombian psychologist Graciela (Penélope Cruz) on a lethal, breakneck mission to retrieve it, while also staying one-step ahead of a mysterious woman, Lin Mi Sheng (Bingbing Fan), who is tracking their every move. Click here for showtimes.