« previous Nominated for an Emmy, a Screen Actors Guild, a Golden Globe, and an Academy Award, David Stathairn is a busy guy. On the small screen he played the director on The Blacklist, Dr. Lee Rosen on Alphas, and had a recurring role as Robert Wegler on the HBO original series The Sopranos. On the big […] next »

David Strathairn

Nominated for an Emmy, a Screen Actors Guild, a Golden Globe, and an Academy Award, David Stathairn is a busy guy. On the small screen he played the director on The Blacklist, Dr. Lee Rosen on Alphas, and had a recurring role as Robert Wegler on the HBO original series The Sopranos. On the big screen, he’s recognized for his portrayal of CIA Deputy Director Noah Vosen in two Bourne films: The Bourne Ultimatum and The Bourne Legacy, but you may have noticed him in The Firm, A League of Their Own, Fracture or We Are Marshall.

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