Richie beats Aguilera in magazine sales

Both Nicole Richie and Christina Aguilera appeared on separate covers of People magazine with their new babies, but while Richie’s edition is estimated to sell more than 1.8 million copies, the issue featuring Aguilera and son Max looks as if it will fall far short of that mark. An industry insider suggested there was more interest in Richie’s daughter Harlow because Richie has a bigger fan base, telling MSNBC: “There’s a greater element of curiosity with Nicole. She’s gone public about being a heroin addict. Her boyfriend is covered in tattoos. By default, she’s got the more interesting baby. People want to see how she settles down. They want to see what kind of baby someone with her background has.” The source added: “Christina historically doesn’t do that well on covers,” noting the unimpressive sales of her wedding photo edition of OK! and her naked photo shoot in Marie Claire.