Robert Pattinson embraces anxiety

Robert Pattinson, 28, ''likes'' his feelings of anxiety. The actor has considered seeing a therapist but doesn't know how helpful it would be, and feels lucky his bouts of feeling low never last very long. He joked: ''I would love to go into therapy but it makes me too anxious.''He then added to The Daily Telegraph: ''I've been talking to a lot of people about it and I don't know. I kind of like my anxiety in a funny sort of way and I like my peaks and troughs. Luckily, depression never lasts long with me.'' The British actor saw his career skyrocket when he was cast as vampire Edward Cullen in the Twilight Saga franchise and he admits he initially ''struggled'' with how fame changed his life, but is now more accepting. He said: ''I had a bit of a struggle at first because my life really contracted and I couldn't do a lot of the stuff I used to be able to do. But once I got through that a year or two ago I just accepted my life is something else and now I can't really remember what it was like before. So it's much easier to deal with.''