Russell Crowe catches UFO on camera

Russell Crowe and a friend had their cameras ready to capture fruit bats rising from Sydney’s Royal Botanic Gardens but were surprised when they saw what appeared to be several flying objects zooming over the Botanic Gardens. He tweeted about it and uploaded the captured footage on YouTube on a new account, ParallelUniverse1234. The clip is titled “UFO? Time Lapse Photos Outside RC’s Woolloomooloo Office (THESE ARE REAL).” Many social media users instantly doubted his footage. One asked whether it could just be lens flares but Crowe replied, “Canon 5D, no flash, can’t be lens flare because it moves, camera is fixed.” He also stated that he was about 250 meters from the gardens when the footage was caught and “the camera was on a balcony – not behind glass.” Check out the video for yourself below. ~E. Guevarra