Ryan Reynolds teases Hugh Jackman as Wolverine in Deadpool 3

Ryan Reynolds posted a video Tuesday afternoon on social media that had fans jumping for joy. In the video, he talks about how he struggled to find an idea for his upcoming Deadpool 3 film as his character joins the MCU. He says, “Every Deadpool needs to stand out and stand apart.”

However, he admits that it’s been “an incredible challenge that forced me reach down, deep inside… And I have… nothing.” Ryan points to his head, adding, “Completely empty up here.”

Just as a figure appears in the background, Ryan says, “But we did have one idea.”

As the figure passes behind him, munching on a snack, Ryan calls out, “Hey Hugh. You wanna play Wolverine one more time?”

Hugh Jackman, heading up the stairs, responds, “Yeah, sure, Ryan.”

As the song “I Will Always Love You” by Whitney Houston plays, the words “Coming Hughn” appear.

Later, Ryan followed the video up with another one in which he and Hugh sit together on a sofa facing the camera, in which they answer questions fans might have about this announcement. Hugh also posted the videos on his social media, with this caption on the second one: “Some answers-ish.”

How excited are you about this news? ~Alexandra Heilbron