Spears’ aunt says Jamie Lynn craved attention

Jamie Lynn Spears’ aunt, Chanda McGovern, believes Jamie Lynn got pregnant because she wanted to get some of the attention that is placed on her sister Britney. Chanda said in an interview with Splash video: “I do believe Jamie Lynn may be feeling the disruption of the family with everything that’s going on. Whether she got pregnant on purpose or by accident, that’s the reason she went out and rebelled. She wants a little ‘me’ attention, with everything that’s going on with Britney like it is.” Chandra doesn’t approve of her 16-year-old niece being involved sexually at such a young age, saying: “I believe Jamie Lynn is entirely too young to be sexually active. She’s got her whole life ahead of her, she’s just a baby herself.” She calls Jamie Lynn “much more down to earth” than her older sister, adding, “I hope she doesn’t take mothering tips from Britney.”