Today show cancels Amy Adams because of what she refused to talk about

Five-time Oscar nominee Amy Adams was scheduled to be interviewed on Monday’s edition of the Today show, but they cancelled her appearance after learning she refused to talk about the Sony hacks. Amy is currently promoting her new film, Big Eyes, about artist Margaret Keane, whose husband stole the credit for her famous and prolific paintings. However, Today show staffers informed her shortly before her interview that she would also have to talk about the hack. Amy agreed to do the interview, but when producers learned she had no intention of answering questions about the hacking scandal, her appearance was cancelled even though she was already on the set.

A spokesperson for the show explained, “As a news program, the ‘Today’ show doesn’t allow guests to dictate restrictions on interviews. In this case, after hours of discussion we felt uncomfortable with the demands being made and we determined the best course of action for all parties involved was to cancel the interview.”

However, Big Eyes distributor The Weinstein Company supports Amy’s decision, saying in a statement: “We firmly stand behind Amy Adams. We’ve been lucky enough to have had her talents grace several of our films. We are certain her fellow actors and directors would all agree, she is nothing but the consummate professional both on and off set. Amy decided to speak up for herself and express her disappointment that ‘Today’ would feel the need to ask her a question she did not feel comfortable, and rather than respect her opinion or continue the discussion, the reaction was to pull her appearance from the show.”