RED 2 - User Reviews
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I did not expect to like the first one and was pleasantly surprised. Didn't think they could repeat so wasn't expecting an even better movie than the first. Won't fool me a 3rd time, I hope they make a RED3
Must see because of the big name actors and because it is a sequel to a great action-comedy. Fun story line once again and good acting. Funny and lots of action. 7.5/10
What a fun movie! I liked it as much, maybe more, than the first, and it was also a great film. I looked forward to seeing this movie and it delivered everything I expected. The characters mesh so well and seem to be having a good time together. Highly recommended.
Excellent actors and consumate technological action. The constant thrill and plot kept one very absorbed in the movie; wondering what outrageous escapades were to come.
Funny, Sarcastic, and worth seeing
Loved the first one, this one didn't disappoint either.
Rarely is a sequel as entertaining as the original. this is an exception to that rule. Fast paced, great characters, funny, all round great entertainment.
Great fun with lots of action.
Surprisingly enjoyable crowd pleaser...even better than the original film
If you liked the first part then you'll like this sequel as well. Filled with action and funny parts. No drop off from the first part at all.
Enjoyable but it didn't have teh class of the first movie
A mediocre sequel to a mediocre movie
pretty good and funny
good movie was the shiazz and the bomb
AMAZINGLY funny and just as good as the first movie! Hoping they'll keep 'em coming!
Love movies that pull together seasoned actors. The way they deliver their lines and the way they act. This movie is no exception. Funny and good to see.
You must see RED 1 before truly enjoying this film. It will show you the characters and what you need to know about them. Both RED 1 and 2 are truly entertaining.
Can hardly wait for RED 3
A fun action-comedy for a night-out that's easy on the brain.
No good
Very bad
No good
I fear some people have never heard of "suspension of disbelief" something needed to appreciate a great movie in this category. It is not an intense intellectual thriller, it not a super serious thriller... it is a great action comedy! A great pair of FUN films!
It was a really fun ride. It exceeded my expectations. I enjoyed both Red and Red 2. Under rated by the critiques. They don't know what a good old fashioned action/comedy is any more... this could go in the dictionary to define the genre!
really good and funny. My wife and I both enjoyed.
I don't really know why people are disappointed in this movie. My wife and I loved it. We were laughing all the way through it and it had some great action. Sometimes you need to take the movie as it is entertainment and it was entertaining.
Very disappointed in this as the first was a good film. With such a great cast it should have been a winner, but there was no story and the endless violence was so mindless and senseless that you just stop caring after the 10th pointless massacre of innocent people. Are we so jaded that using a machine gun randomly in a coffee shop is normal and makes some kind of sense? Hire a writer, hollywood!!
Great squeal from red 1. I love the actors in this movie . Bruce Willis has still got it. And i think Helen is amazing in this second one. She plays this bad ass character but she can also be funny and I love how Bruce Willis girlfriend in the movie got to be in this one a lot more. Her character is awesome she had tons of funny moments in the movie. Bringing Anthony Hopkins in this movie was an amazing idea amazing actor and he was amazing in it . Love this movie 5/5 for me . even if you havent seen the first one doesnt matter you will love the acting ,comedy and action in it. go see this movie
I don't recall seeing Red 1, but I enjoyed this sequel. with the usual implausibility of getting out of everything thrown at them - what Hollywood movie would it be if they didn't? - I still managed to enjoy the interaction of the characters. Definitely recommend for others to see.
I really like this movie! It has action,a great cast, energy, and a lot of laughs. Very Very good movie.
This movie was very good. It kept you of the edge of your seat. This one has lots of laugh and action. Way to go to the cast. This one is better then the first one.
thought the movie was boring
Red 2 is a great follow-up to the original, with an even greater cast. All the older actors you know and love come back and bring it, along with some of the newer ones. (Re)-watching the original Red prior to watching helps following some of the in-joke humour which clearly some people below didn’t do.
Just what we expected--lots of laughs and action--our favorite kind of movie! To the last reviewer, what's your idea of a good movie? If you were wanting to see an Oscar-worthy movie, why did you then waste your time going to this one? Duh! P.S. Do you even know how to have fun?!
as the saying goes on the poster the best never rest but not in this flick as u would pound on the counter screaming for your money back and the clerk will see your face going red 2, ha !!!!!! and my joke is just as bad as this movie was, i guess Bruce had nothing left in the tank when he did one of my favorite films of all time looper, and the rest of the actors i guess the money got theirs eyes lit up so much like a candle they forgot how to act, so people pay no tension to the drunk folks that gave this major bore a four star, believe me it isn't worth one star just had no option to give it a big fat zero, save your money ladies and gentlemen and rent this puppy instead as you'll give ba
If you like the first RED, then you'll probably like the sequel. Average entertainment, but with a better cast.
Oops...Not "fowl" but "foul"
Funny movie with action that defies laws of physics and logic. No sex or fowl language, but extremely violent.
I was so bored with this stupid film that I almost left several times. John Malkovich is always himself, Bruce Willis is still licking his lips, but Helen Mirren was as good as she could be with a terrible script.I haven't seen a bad film for a long time and this is bad. I'm sure they had a good time making it, but it's a lousy audience experience.
One of the best movies I've seen in a while. Funny, action packed - well worth it!
action , funny , i want RED3
good actors, lots of action scenes, and like too many movies these days there is an excessive amount of violence.
Good story line, great action, funny comedy situations, great cast of characters. I found this movie very entertaining. Good work!
Very funny and totally enjoyable. Shirley
Park your brain at the door and have fun...very enjoyable. Great mix of comedy and action. There is something hilarious about seeing Helen Mirren as an assassin.
Great movie!! Had great action and some funny scenes! I really enjoyed the story and was much better then the first one! I didn't expect much, but was pleasantly surprised!
Fun movie with a great cast. Loved Mary Louise Parker. Lots of action.
This was a terrific movie with a stellar cast. Loved how it had lots of action, a good plot with some comic relief. Enjoyed it immensely!