September 5 is Bill Murray Day as TIFF offers free screenings

The Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) has dedicated the second day of its 2014 film fest to actor Bill Murray. September 5 has been designated Bill Murray Day with free public screenings of his comedy classics: Stripes, Groundhog Day and Ghostbusters, starting at 10:00 a.m. Plus, fans can enjoy a bonus contest open to anyone who attends all screenings. The free screenings are the lead up to Bill Murray's TIFF release, director Theodore Melfi’s St. Vincent.

Contest: Up to 50 Bill Murray fans who attend all three free screenings on Bill Murray Day will win a ticket to the world premiere screening of the 2014 Festival official selection St. Vincent. Check for more info.

Here's more info about the Free Screenings:
Stripes is the second collaboration between Bill Murray and director Ivan Reitman. The plot revolves around John Winger (Bill Murray), who convinces his friend Russell Ziskey (Harold Ramis, Stripes’ co-writer) to join the army with him in the hope of avoiding rent and getting in shape. Winger soon becomes the ringleader of a motley crew among his fellow enlistees (cast also includes John Candy).

In Groundhog Day, Bill Murray plays Phil Connors, an unhappy weatherman who becomes cursed, reliving February 2 ad nauseum. Groundhog Day’s humour and absurdity helps create a romantic comedy with edge. Andie MacDowell is Bill Murray's co-star and love interest in the film as a sympathetic character with a big heart.

Ghostbusters is about misfit parapsychologists Peter Venkman (Bill Murray), Ray Stanz (Dan Aykroyd), Egon Spengler (Harold Ramis) and Winston Zeddmore (Ernie Hudson), who create business out of ridding New York City of its assorted ghosts and ghouls. They becoming media celebrities in the process but also find an evil threat to the city might be too much for them to handle. Also starring Sigourney Weaver and Rick Moranis.

Special Presentation: World Premiere of St. Vincent by director Theodore Melfi. Maggie (Melissa McCarthy), a single mother with a 12-year-old son named Oliver (Jaeden Lieberher), moves to Brooklyn. Forced to work long hours, she has no choice but to leave Oliver in the care of their new neighbor, Vincent (Bill Murray), who is retired, grumpy and likes alcohol and gambling. Vincent brings Oliver along on his daily routine and they bond during trips to the racetrack, a strip club, and the local dive bar. Vincent is determined to help Oliver grow to become a man, while Oliver strips away Vincent's outward unpleasantness to see the man he is underneath. Also starring Chris O'Dowd, Naomi Watts and Terrence Howard.

The 39th Toronto International Film Festival runs September 4 to 14, 2014. ~Andrea Hodgins