Anne Hathaway says co-hosting the Oscars was ’embarrassing’

Anne Hathaway considers her gig co-hosting the Oscars with James Franco as one of her most embarrassing moments. The Interstellar actress spoke about an awkward moment on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon last night when she honored Matthew McConaughey at the American Cinematheque Award ceremony. During her speech, which was following a heartfelt poem by Sandra Bullock, the teleprompter broke and she had to improvise a story.

“The thing about me and embarrassment is you have to remember that it all happens on a scale,” she told the host, when he asked if she was embarrassed. “And so if you think about embarrassment scale of one to 10: one is just like being a person walking down the street, and 10 is, for me, co-hosting the Oscars with James Franco. Which, by the way, is only tied with being honored to accept an Oscar whilst wearing a dress that I knew made it look like my nipples were erect.”

On the plus side, it brings Anne’s uncomfortable speech into a whole new perspective. “If that’s a 10, that [speech] was a four. I can handle that.” ~Kelly Townsend