Charlie Sheen to coach acting for work release

As of tomorrow morning, Charlie Sheen will start his work release, which means from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. he’ll be able to leave prison everyday to coach professional actors appearing in two musicals and one play: the musicals The Marvelous Wonderettes and The True Story of the Three Little Pigs, and a comedy about adulterers called Same Time Next Year. He’ll also do meet-and-greets at Theatre Aspen fundraising events and will be working with children enrolled in acting classes with the theater. His hearing will take place at 4 p.m. today and if the judge accepts his plea, he’ll be taken to jail tonight. According to TMZ Sheen has completed the required 36 hours of anger management classes. Once he’s released from jail (17 days in total, but today, when he arrives at the jail at 7 p.m. counts as one day, and the final day will be just as short), he’ll be on probation for a short period of time.