Scarlett Johansson’s startling weight loss alters her figure

Scarlett Johannson, known for her curvaceous figure and sex appeal, appears to have lost a considerable amount of weight, especially in her upper body area. The 28-year-old actress plays the Russian spy – turned heroine Black Widow in The Avengers. On the set of her upcoming film Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Scarlett sports red hair and looks far less buxom than she did for her latest gig as Janet Leigh in Hitchcock or even than she did in her previous turns as Black Widow in The Avengers and Iron Man 2. The beautiful star is known for her full figure, so her new look has raised questions as to whether she’s been on a strict diet – and why. Could she be preparing for another role? Do you like her new look? Or do you think she looks just a little too thin? ~Sarah Dos Santos

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