Kate Spade’s shocking last words to older sister Reta

Kate Spade‘s older sister, Reta Saffo, told the Kansas City Star that Kate suffered from mental illness and had been self-medicating with alcohol.

She revealed that Kate had been fixated by Robin William’s 2014 suicide by hanging and watched the news about his death “over and over,” telling the paper, ” I think the plan was already in motion even as far back as then.”

Reta says she’d tried to get Kate to enter a facility for treatment: “I’d flown out to Napa and NYC several times in the past 3-4 years to help her to get the treatment she needed (inpatient hospitalization). She was always a very excitable little girl and I felt all the stress/pressure of her brand (KS) may have flipped the switch where she eventually became full-on manic depressive.”

Most shocking of all, Reta revealed, “One of the last things she said to me was, ‘Reta, I know you hate funerals and don’t attend them, but for me would you PLEASE come to MINE, at least. Please!’ I know she perhaps had a plan, but she insisted she did not.”

Reta added, “She was a dear little person. So dear — so kind, so funny. I’ll miss our 6-7-hr-long phone conversations between NY and NM.” ~Alexandra Heilbron