Death of a Nation - User Reviews

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3.57 / 5

User Rating User rating: 3.57

Based on 1076 votes and 399 reviews

  • User rating: 3.57 62.89%
  • User rating: 3.57 1.44%
  • User rating: 3.57 0.41%
  • User rating: 3.57 0.62%
  • User rating: 3.57 34.64%

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Showing 351 to 399 of 399

User review rating: 5 August 04, 2018

This movie was well worth watching. When I came home I checked the allegations/facts and they were right on the mark. I would encourage all to see it and make up their own minds because we Americans need to take heed. It is quite apparent that we are rapidly becoming the Divided States of America and for our nation to survive we need to be what we were the United States of America.

User review rating: 5 August 04, 2018

We went to see the movie Death of a Nation late this afternoon. I encourage everyone to do the same & give the message a chance. There is so much to consider for the future of this country, but it can only be done through an accurate lens. As much as I do know about history, it's easy to admit that I learned a few more things through the movie, through a perspective lens that is as close to unbiased as is possible. There were dots that I hadn't fully connected. Quite interesting.

User review rating: 5 August 04, 2018

True historical documentary should be required viewing by middle and high school students along with THEIR TEACHERS AND ADMINISTRATORS!!! Revealing the truth shown in this film should drive the left wing progressives and democrats totally insane. Great Job Mr. D'Souza!

User review rating: 1 August 04, 2018

Seriously, ZERO stars. Yes, the Dems were white supremacists back in the day, and Republicans were actually progressive, but that was a LONG LONG TIME AGO. Dinesh D'Souza is a well-known whackjob and twists everything to fit his worldview. This is just sad sad sad. A waste of time, a waste of film by an empty suit.

User review rating: 1 August 04, 2018

This is full of lies and fascist propaganda designed to normalize Trump as moral and make his lies and move towards autocratic control seem moral. At its heart it is racist and designed to make those who are already angry and full of hate, hate more. I have a graduate degree in history. This is not history, it is propaganda designed to scam the uninformed

User review rating: 5 August 04, 2018

when I was in collage in the 1960 I did research on the southern democrats and Tammany Hall the New York version of the KKK Democrats They wher horrable to people and very race selective. and our press and news media today is like Pravda the Russian state news.BAD NEWS!! If WE don't correct this soon we will LOSE THIS NATION!!

User review rating: 5 August 04, 2018

Truth. Simple to understand what is going on in the country.

User review rating: 5 August 04, 2018

The movie presented a fact-based history lesson and explained the terms we hear thrown around. It was very informative to learn about the history of fascism, socialism and how it relates to current thinking. Interesting to learn about the connection between FDR and Mussolini's ideologies. I hope millions see this movie and learn from it. I want my children and grandchildren to see this movie. Bravo! Well done!

User review rating: 5 August 04, 2018

EYE OPENING!!! How can so many of us accept the re-writing of history that we have been taught in school. This movie encouraged me to re-think what I have been taught and to see the Democrat party in a different light. I will be showing this movie to all my students come next school year.

User review rating: 5 August 04, 2018

Accurate historical record of the Democratic party. Synopsis writer clearly a Democrat partisan. Highly recommend taking this red pill.

User review rating: 5 August 04, 2018

Exposes the Democratic Party for what they really are. They are anti-American and have been for generations.

User review rating: 5 August 04, 2018

Truth. With out lies. Thank you. The other side hides the TRUTH by dangling candy like a pedophile tricking a child to get them in their lair.

User review rating: 5 August 04, 2018

Democrats indeed tried to stop Lincoln from abolishing slavery. The Nazi's were Socialists on the far left. You don't need an advanced degree in history like myself to research and find the truth for yourselves. Bravo Dinesh D'Souza for bringing these facts to the big screen in such a Big way! This movie is opening the eyes of people normally associated with the left wing and moving them to the right.

User review rating: 5 August 04, 2018


User review rating: 5 August 04, 2018

Great movie about the greatest threat to America's survival, The Democrat party and the Fake News media.

User review rating: 5 August 04, 2018

Very accurate picture of the Democratic Party!

User review rating: 5 August 03, 2018

Dinesh D'Souza's Movie exposes the dems for what they are. Socialism is the bait the totalitarians are using to enslave us all.

User review rating: 3 August 03, 2018

Inaccurate and awful

User review rating: 5 August 03, 2018

Clarity of information so much so that even the leftist who paid to see had to give it 1 star. Amazing how closely they represent those of 1850's of America. The left has not changed.

User review rating: 5 August 03, 2018

Movie was great Dinesh! Love your work bud.

User review rating: 5 August 03, 2018


User review rating: 1 August 03, 2018

History can be told from any point of view. As a person with a Masters degree in American History, working on a PhD, I saw this movie as part of my research and identified so many misrepresentations and twisted logic that I'd have to write a book to name them all. Mr D'Souza is a professional political commentator and author who gets paid to promote the far right wing conservative view. This movie is just another of his money making projects. It has nothing to do with the facts or the truth--it is candy for the Trump crowd who will delight in it, and jump at the chance to give money to D'Souza --I suggest they just send a check to D'souza and skip the movie- so they can watch more Fox lies (oh, I mean news !)

User review rating: 5 August 03, 2018

History that most Americans do not understand . . . yet. Great for teenagers who are not taught anything but liberal pablum in our schools. I'm buying the book to further digest this information so I'll be accurate in discussions with a few liberal friends who are concerned about the path of America and the future for our kids and grandchildren.

User review rating: 5 August 03, 2018

Great movie that explains and exposes the lib and how they have used lies and deception to advantage their con. He clearly show how they had to con people into buying their lies because no one buy what they are selling if it was presented using the truer. Must see!

User review rating: 5 August 03, 2018

Great film dismantling how history and media have been distorted to fit the narrative of a select few to control the masses.

User review rating: 1 August 03, 2018

0 Stars for filmmaking and content; 5 Stars for propaganda value. Leno Riefenstahl, he is not, but a propagandist just the same. From a convicted felon comes this revisionist garbage, enough to keep the grift going for him and his talent-deprived wife.

User review rating: 5 August 03, 2018

Love how Dinesh, an enlightened immigrant is so knowledgeable about American history. It shows us how little we actually know, and especially how large classes of people choose to remain ignorant. Kudos to Dinesh for telling us the truth. We conservatives need to be enlightened and informed so we can verbally hold our ground against the brainwashed Marxist masses.

User review rating: 3 August 03, 2018

A compelling movie. This documentary will be most interesting to those who have read some of Dinesh's other books, especially his most recent, The Big Lie. He covers a lot of factual information in a short timeframe. He debunks the idea that Conservatives are fascists and racists; those attributes have always belonged to the Dems and Progressives in America. We will see it a second time to get the maximum value. The music is fantastic. Some of the news clips are memorable and pretty darn funny. It's worth the $20 investment for thought-provoking entertainment and popcorn.

User review rating: 5 August 03, 2018

This movie documents watt I have bene saying for years! Funny how not 1 person rates this at 2 3 or 4 stars, clearly its not that some think it was not well done but that they cannot except that they mite be wrong.

User review rating: 1 August 03, 2018

Ludicrous. To compare a great man like Lincoln to a potty-mouthed, misogynist racist like Trump is an atrocity. Only idiots will believe this propaganda.

User review rating: 1 August 03, 2018

It's a film by D'nesh D'souza. What do you expect?

User review rating: 5 August 02, 2018

Plenty of research

User review rating: 5 August 02, 2018

Those who forget History are bound to repeat it. Those who seek to conceal history are up to no good. Those who explore it the way Dinesh does will be heroes to future generations.

User review rating: 5 August 02, 2018

Fantastic. Thank you lord for exposing the left.

User review rating: 1 August 02, 2018

Jesus would find the film offensive.

User review rating: 5 August 02, 2018

Information that I'm not getting anywhere else and very well done.

User review rating: 5 August 02, 2018

Another phenomal production by D’Souza, someone who came to America as a teen and unlike our students who are brainwashed, he went on to seek the truth of our history . The 1 star below knows not of what he speaks as he clearly had not seen the movie prior to its release. As for the southern sympathizer assasinating Lincoln not being a democrat ... what was Boothe since the South were the Civil War democrats. Lincoln was the first Republican. Typical of the left trying to argue the truth with no education behind their opinions. Indeed this movie needs to be seen by more than “the choir” as we already get it.

User review rating: 5 August 02, 2018

Why is the Liberal Left so unhinged when a movie brings truth to the people? Media • Hollywood • Academics are all becoming a joke as they continue the tantrum begun on the night of 11-8-2016.

User review rating: 5 August 01, 2018

Great movie, a real eye opener for those that want to believe. Truth is in the eye of the beholder.

User review rating: 5 August 01, 2018

Unbelieveable movie, one of the best I've ever seen. Hollywood and the political left needs to be shattered into a thousand pieces and buried with Stalin, Mao, and the rest of the megalomaniac pieces of trash.

User review rating: 5 August 01, 2018

Finally setting the record straight on the political spectrum. Seems so simple but it has been grossly distorted to serve an oppressive agenda for generations. Thank you Dinesh!!! American hero

User review rating: 5 August 01, 2018

Movie is factual. I have a Master's degree in American History. Movie is the best history lesson you can see. Bravo Sir

User review rating: 5 August 01, 2018

DUMB ******* VOTE 1 STAR!?!?!?!?!

User review rating: 5 August 01, 2018

Even a baboon with down syndrome would know better than to think anything other than slam reviews would come from the liberal movie review websites. Funny how all the 1 star reviewers IF (since it has not be released yet) they even actually saw the movie, conveniently forget to mention all of the truths brought to light, stuff the Democrats and Liberals have been trying to rewrite and cover up for years. Like how Soros --the back stabbing, weasel psychopath sold out his own and aided the Nazis to save his own skin and years later has not a nano-shred of remorse. Like how Democrats fought tooth and nail to keep slavery (and in a manner --still do) and being the original KKK. And how Liberals try to paint Trump as part of alt-right. LOL. Nothing is further from the truth. PS As a once koolaide drinking gay die hard Democrat I started digging for the TRUTH right around the time Obama was elected. Funny thing about TRUTH. Once you uncover it, it has this neat side effect of changing one's political standing. #walkaway to #libertarian

User review rating: 5 August 01, 2018

Such an eye opener !Or mind 1loved this documentary !

User review rating: 5 August 01, 2018

Smartly done film for those who study history at a deeper level than at a high school level. A film like this proves at the deepest level we still really don't understand the Civil War and have never stopped talking past each other which is why a film like this is either a five star or a one star film depending on what universe you live in. Sadly enough, too many people think such things can be resolved by getting at 'the truth'.

User review rating: 1 August 01, 2018

There really should be a zero star option. Never have so few attempted to distort the work of the majority.

User review rating: 1 August 01, 2018

Movie is presented by an idiot that does not know history. The Democrats did not assassinate Lincoln-a southern sympathizer named John Wilkes Booth. Someone that does not know that can not be trusted.

User review rating: 5 July 30, 2018

Excellent documentary about American and world history. People should take their kids to see this so the kids will learn the history and civics they’re no longer taught in school.

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