Lost Lake Confessions

Lost Lake Confessions Movie Poster

After a short-lived career as a Los Angeles film director, JD (Jerome Velinsky) returns to Vancouver only to find out that his cancer has returned and that his life now hangs in the balance. So in a final attempt to outrun fate, JD takes his 3 best friends, Hill (Khamisa Wilsher), Connie (Christopher Gerard) and Ray (Dayleigh Nelson), off-grid on a camping trip to Lost Lake for one last nostalgic hoorah before his time may run out.

As lifelong friends the “4 Stooges” effortlessly fall back in stride, reliving their youth through drink, song and psychedelics. However, the friends quickly see through JD’s facade and get him to reveal his diagnosis, which in turn sets off a chain reaction of truth bombs throughout the group that will change their lives forever. It turns out that everyone is fighting a silent battle that they’ve been hiding from each other for years and now they each must face their own existential crisis, grappling with questions of mortality, life’s purpose and their place in the world.

While the future remains uncertain, the group discovers that hope, love, laughter and friendship are the strongest forces in their lives and that none of them are ever truly lost.
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