Lindsay Lohan’s unusual birthday bash

By Alexandra Heilbron on July 3, 2008 | 72 Comments

Lindsay Lohan on her birthdayLindsay Lohan celebrated her 22nd birthday Wednesday night with gal-pal Samantha Ronson and her mother Dina Lohan at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel. The event was unusual, being relatively tame for La-La-Land’s notorious party girl, as it featured prom-themed decorations reminiscent of a typical 1980’s teen movie and didn’t go all night — guests packed it in by 1 a.m. Lohan, all dolled up in a fuschia mini-dress, was greeted with red, silver, baby-blue and light-pink balloons, palm tree banners, ‘Happy Birthday’ napkins on the bar, and a table filled with cupcakes. Her drink of choice? The AA member sipped on Red Bull throughout the night, according to, while DJ AM provided music for the 50 guests.

Comments & Discussion

  1. Dave • July 3, 2008 @ 2:25 PM


  2. Jo-Anne • July 3, 2008 @ 4:33 PM

    ditto, Dave
    watching paint dry would be a huge step up from this

  3. Nancy • July 3, 2008 @ 5:34 PM

    Sounds about as “interesting” as the comments on the Jennifer Aniston/John Mayer article.

  4. Jo-Anne • July 3, 2008 @ 7:34 PM

    agree, Tammy/Jennie had the only interesting comments on the Aniston story
    some were tres lame

  5. Nancy • July 4, 2008 @ 12:26 AM

    Yeah, like the one that said, “I wonder if he sings….’your body is a wonderland?’ to her.”

  6. Jo-Anne • July 4, 2008 @ 6:21 AM

    actually Tammy’s comment, I thought, was very witty.

  7. jennie_bearz • July 4, 2008 @ 8:54 AM

    Thanks Jo-Anna i’m glad to see someone on here agree’s with Tammy and myself…

  8. jennie_bearz • July 4, 2008 @ 8:57 AM

    And as for Lindsy after all that has been going on with her i’m glad to hear that she was able to enjoy her Birthday with out it getting totally out of control maybe there is hope for her yet…

  9. Diana (Canada) • July 4, 2008 @ 8:59 AM

    I just wanna know how long is this good little girl act is going to last for. If its for real I would hope so for her sake. My niece was in a movie with her and she was a lovely girl, what went wrong. Daaa LA life. Can anyone escape the perils of a LA life.

  10. tammy • July 4, 2008 @ 10:59 AM

    Yes I think so Diana if they really want to they can…there are alot of celebrities that you don’t see in the tabloids…I think it’s just the younger generation right now that are always in the spotlight…thank you Jo-Anne for you comments…Nancy you seem to be the lier… considering you said you don’t start the bickering…well your above comment seems to have proved you wrong..your the one thats lame…you need to grow up…I dropped it why don’t you…

  11. jennie_bearz • July 4, 2008 @ 11:39 AM

    Nancy doesn’t have a sincere bone in her body I would even question what she has running through her veins

  12. tributegirl • July 4, 2008 @ 11:40 AM

    Well, maybe Nancy was being sincere. Ever thought of that? If others found it witty, maybe she did too. Seriously.

  13. Anonymous • July 4, 2008 @ 11:53 AM

    No, T.girl since you asked, I never did think of that. She was obviously poking fun at Tammy, it’s her style. You need to (although I strongly doubt you will) stop pleading a case where there is none, cuz you’re sinking fast.

  14. jennie_bearz • July 4, 2008 @ 12:02 PM

    Grab a floating device or try treading water…. LMFAO as nancy would say

  15. tammy • July 4, 2008 @ 12:09 PM

    Thank you anonymous I’m glad you noticed it too…tributegirl if you read the comment that Jo-Anne wrote at the end of her comment she said that some were tres lame and Nancy wrote ya like the one about me and my comment…that is not being sincere..seriously..

  16. Jo-Anne • July 4, 2008 @ 12:34 PM

    Right on Tammy! so so obvious the sole intent of Nancy’s comment was to (unsuccessfully) provoke Tammy and perhaps myself.

    so, accept it – it backfired!!!!!!!!!

  17. tributegirl • July 4, 2008 @ 8:50 PM

    Ok, well to be honest, I thought the singing comment was lame too, BUT…I didn’t comment on it because I believe everyone has the right to their own opinion.
    And it actually looks to me like the sole intent of the comment BEFORE Nancy’s was to provoke as well. I mean really, I’m not looking for a fight here, but that’s how it looks to me.

  18. tributegirl • July 4, 2008 @ 9:18 PM

    So maybe the “tres lame” comment shouldn’t have been said.

  19. Jo-Anne • July 4, 2008 @ 10:02 PM

    funny and kinda wierd how you immediately jump to the conclusion your comments were the tres lame ones….many people posted comments

    and as you say the lame comment shouldn’t have been made, well A)why do you post “everyone has the right to their opinion”, yet you tell someone they shouldn’t make a comment and also B) “the singing comment was lame” – your own words

    tres hypocrital…to be honest with you

  20. Nancy • July 4, 2008 @ 11:40 PM

    Seems to me that you are the one doing the ‘provoking’, Jo! Read the Jen Aniston article and see who is provoking!

  21. Nancy • July 4, 2008 @ 11:43 PM

    And if Tributegirl and my comments weren’t the “interesting ones” and weren’t the “tres lame ones”…then which ones were they, provoker?

  22. Eva • July 5, 2008 @ 12:05 AM

    Oh my God. Speaking of lame, THIS is the lamest thing I’ve seen in my life. Honestly… a bunch of strangers arguing about which one is rudest and who wrote the most offensive thing. Get over it. Why do you waste all your energy with all this? None of you even know each other, and you’re all so preoccupied with ‘winning’ this argument.

    If I wasn’t bored and in bed because I had dental surgery today, I wouldn’t even take the time to say anything.

  23. Eva • July 5, 2008 @ 12:07 AM

    I think you all need to get a life and stop making your lives all about analyzing other people’s comments on efing celebrity gossip articles, and not only that, but bringing them up repeatedly in comment forums of OTHER articles. Sad.

  24. Nancy • July 5, 2008 @ 12:51 AM

    What is also SAD Eva, is that instead of commenting on any one of the OTHER articles that you mentioned, these are the only comments YOU have made on here!

    With that said, I have to COMPLETELY agree with your comments. Honestly, I do.

  25. Jo-Anne • July 5, 2008 @ 8:52 AM

    Eva, you don’t have to justify why you came on here. Obviously you find this entertaining, as is should be.

    nothing more

  26. Nancy • July 5, 2008 @ 4:39 PM

    I’m sure she feels a whole lot better now that you told her what she should and should not do!!

  27. tributegirl • July 6, 2008 @ 8:08 PM

    Well Jo-anne, it was pretty easy to figure out who you meant. I mean, tammy & jennie could say the stupidest thing in the world and you would be right there announcing how wonderful they are and how horrible Nancy and I are. None of us on here are stupid, we could all see what you meant.
    You called other people’s comments lame, so I said what I thought was lame. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
    You were obviously TRYING to provoke a fight between me and Nancy, and tammy and jennie. And although the four of us have disagreed terribly, and slammed each other relentlessly, ALL FOUR of us should be p*ssed at YOU for trying to provoke us.

  28. Jo-Anne • July 6, 2008 @ 8:27 PM

    I beg to differ, jennie and tammy haven’t said anything stupid

  29. Nancy • July 6, 2008 @ 9:56 PM

    Tributegirl didn’t say that they did say anything stupid. She said that they “could say the stupidest thing in the world”, and that you just twist everything just to cause sh!t…which could also be called instagating or PROVOKING!!

  30. Jo-Anne • July 7, 2008 @ 8:15 AM

    relax, calm down…
    here, let me help you out, clarify
    I don’t believe Tammy or Jennie would say anything stupid, not their style

    interesting how the 2 of you just hang pathetically off of everything I write…


  31. tammy • July 7, 2008 @ 10:25 AM

    Jo-Anne your sweet…thank you for the nice comments…stop wasting your time on Nancy and Tributegirl..they will never learn…it’s like talking to a wall with them…Nancy and Tributegirl I think it’s hilarious how you think Jo-Anne is trying to twist everything to cause shit…when that is all YOU do…

  32. Jo-Anne • July 7, 2008 @ 11:08 AM

    it was like walking uphill before you arrived, I swear they wait for my comments, regardless of what I say, they’re all over it…like maggots on dead flesh, creepers….

    they’re so NOT worth it, but one can hardly resist when their pettiness arises, they become unglued so easily

  33. jennie_bearz • July 7, 2008 @ 11:52 AM

    WOW Jo-Anne where have you been from the beginning of all this it’s so nice to see that it’s not just Tammy and myself that feel some people on here try to start alot of shit… and girl it is all Down hill from here.. you just have to be one step ahead…

  34. Jo-Anne • July 7, 2008 @ 1:01 PM

    honestly, jennie, you and Tammy are like a breath of fresh!

    I’ve been reading the stories here for awhile, and randomly posted a comment a few months back…well, somebody disagreed with me (imagine that) and all their F. you’s, similar “mature” comments were unleashed.

    and yes, jennie, it’s been downhill fast, you are so right on

    but I do enjoy many of the posts on here, and should I ever disagree with you, Tammy or anyone on here, rest assured I won’t resort to…hmmm, let me see, sorting thru the chapters of “Trash Everything Jo-Anne Writes”, comments such as “Jo, you are a man, right, ha ha, you are gay, right, F. you” – sad, yes very sad.

    meet you on another post, jennie!

  35. Nancy • July 7, 2008 @ 1:50 PM

    Mmmmmmmmwwwwaaaaahhhhhhh! Sounds like you’re kissing your own @$$!! LMFAO! Anybody who is anybody on here knows exactly how much of a sh!t disturber you are Jo-Anne…and they also know that I don’t take it! You reap what you sew and flipping through the ‘chapters’ as you say, you jumped on me first for saying Clay Aiken looks like a f-ing CHUCKY doll! ( 🙂 ) and guess what? He still does and always will!!!

  36. Jo-Anne • July 7, 2008 @ 1:56 PM

    see what I mean, flies to honey…..

  37. jennie_bearz • July 7, 2008 @ 2:07 PM

    WOW I must say Nancy is really proving our point now isn’t she… Nancy you always have a smart A** comment to throw at someone but when we turn the tables and put you in your place wellll look out… what’s the matter you can dish it but can’t take it… and as everyone will see i am really starting to agree with alot of things Tributegirl has to say on most of the topics at hand and i’ve noticed she wont lash out at you unless you do her first but nancy my dear it’s starting to look like menopause to me or maybe split personality because your always lashing out at someone…. But hey it makes thing’s interesting right so keep it comming…

  38. tributegirl • July 7, 2008 @ 9:59 PM

    Hmmm. Well well well. This is all getting very interesting.
    Yes jennie_bearz, I have often agreed with you, but sometimes after your comment and before I am online, someone slams me and I don’t get a chance to say what I am thinking, I get too p*ssed at getting slammed for being me. I often agree with Nancy too, everybody knows that, but I don’t think people on here realize that I often agree with your opinions.
    Tammy on the other hand (now I’m not slamming her, I’m just saying what I think), she and I are from two totally different worlds. And that’s fine, I respect the fact that she has her own opinions, whether they are the same as mine or not. I just personally feel that she gets nasty too quick. I’m not looking for a fight here, I’m just letting you know how it looks from my point of view. And maybe that is the key, instead of trying to get each other to change opinions, maybe we should instead try to understand each other, or at the very least respect each others rights to post an opinion without fear of retaliation.
    Now, Jo-anne, I don’t really get what is going on with her. I know she has posted things before, but not often. Now all of a sudden she is on here brown-nosing and trying to start up a fight that I hope is over. I know jennie & tammy appreciate her comments, they are very sugary, who wouldn’t appreciate that if they were directed at them? But really look at her comments, ladies. Take yourself out of the spotlight she is trying to put on you and really look at it. I don’t know what her motives are, but she really seems to be trying to re-start an old fight, or start a fresh new one that includes her. That’s my take on it anyway, does anybody else see it that way?

  39. Nancy • July 7, 2008 @ 11:26 PM

    I do! Jo-Anne spoke above of me “waiting” for her comments, meanwhile….look at the times above. 6 minutes after I posted – there she was…ALL OVER IT…LIKE FLIES ON you know what! And 11 minutes after that…guess who? Jo-Anne said she read a few comments on here before and then one day she randomly posted a comment a few months back and somebody (sarcastically meaning “Nancy”) disagreed with her comment and started saying immature comments to her…I beg to differ, as at first I never mentioned you. I made the comment that Clay Aiken looked like a damn Chucky doll and you came on there saying “making fun of Clay’s appearance, ie: chucky doll comments are pathetic. If you stick around long enough, tributegirl should be on shortly in defence of Nancy and trashing you and I…. Be very scared” Check it out, archive May 30 ‘Clay Aiken is going to be a father’. And that’s how it went down, provoker! People may call me alot of things, but a liar is not one of them! As for you, Jennie…no one is turning any table and putting me in any place! So, you think Tributegirl won’t lash out at me unless I do it to her 1st…1st of all, you said before that we were one person and 2nd, we respect each other more than that and I only “lash out” at those who direct RUDE comments to others…ie: when Tammy called Poppa John’s in Exile an idiot and a moron…he never said anything directly to or about her on that article, did he? You really need to get a grip and stop causing trouble because all the comments are time and date stamped and the Tribute coppers read them all, so as I said before, THEY know what’s what and that is all that matters.

  40. Jo-Anne • July 8, 2008 @ 8:37 AM

    okay Nancy, here you go, count the minutes before this response comes on…

    hey you liked my “flies to honey” comment eh – I see you used it – should I be flattered?

    yes, ladies, I invite you to look over all the comments I’ve ever posted (I’m sure Nancy can give you that info, date, time, etc.)

    so, I posted I disagreed with your comment on Clay – again SO WHAT? Big deal. You have been dishing out insults to people ad nauseum as long as I have been on here. Get real.

    Trying to make this a personal “Nancy/T.girl vendetta” and attempting to enlist Jennie and Tammy…how juvenile.

    With regards to Nancy’s comment – “tribute coppers” reading all this, I rest assured Nancy your colourful language over the months keeps them occupied on a full time basis. I’ll hardly live in fear of the Tribute Coppers showing up at my door and arresting me on a charge of “Disagreeing with Nancy and Tribute Girl” ha ha ha…you have the right to remain silent….ha ha ha – where do you come up with this stuff???

    Are you having a laugh?

    and if you respond within 2 seconds, 2 months or never, it all works for me.

  41. Nancy • July 8, 2008 @ 11:42 AM

    Please don’t try to make yourself look innocent, Jo-Anne. Calling me pathetic among other names about my Clay comment is not just simply disagreeing with my comment, is it?

  42. Jo-Anne • July 8, 2008 @ 11:52 AM

    calling people names is pathetic, Nancy, yes. guilty as charged.

  43. jennie_bearz • July 8, 2008 @ 12:02 PM

    Jo-Anna your too funny girl and you better watch yourself just as I shall for being to funny or not agreeing with someone because if we don’t the “TRIBUTE COPPERS” might come looking for us LMFAO…. Nancy you gotta tell me where do you come up with this sh**??
    and as far as I can see it you are the BIGEST s**t disterber of us all and i’m sure that there’s alot of people that will agree with that…

  44. Nancy • July 8, 2008 @ 12:25 PM

    The only ones who would agree are the ones you make up! So what Jo-Anne? I voiced my opinion on the topic and others even agreed that he looked like a Chucky doll…LMAO..but true. I didn’t direct my comment to you until you provoked, and now you’re b!tching and whining that “Nancy started it! I just disagreed with her and this is how badly she treats people”…PL – EASE! Like I said, don’t play innocent!

  45. Nancy • July 8, 2008 @ 12:28 PM

    And not only that, now you say that calling people names is pathetic….so then would you say that Tammy is pathetic for calling Poppa John’s in Exile an “idiot” and a “moron”????? Or Jennie, for agreeing with Tammy about it and saying she could think of alot more names to call him, too?? Of course you would never say anything like that about Tammy or Jennie…you’re too busy smooching their @$$!!

  46. Jo-Anne • July 8, 2008 @ 12:33 PM

    I have no need to make names up, Nancy, I can stand alone anytime.

    however, I will add, it’s so much more fun with jennie and tammy along for the ride!

  47. Nancy • July 8, 2008 @ 12:42 PM

    Who said anything about making names up? And, big deal…you can stand alone…BRAVO! Who can’t? Too funny! Click my blue name…now that’s damn funny!

  48. Jo-Anne • July 8, 2008 @ 12:45 PM

    “the only ones who would agree are the ones you make up”…quote from Nancy, like, uh…20 min ago?

    you are in such a rage you’re forgetting your own words

    relax, take a breath…have you ever tried yoga?

  49. Nancy • July 8, 2008 @ 12:48 PM

    No, actually I said that to Jennie….so get over yourself and go take some yoga because my every comment is not just for you. You have the hots for me or something?

  50. Jo-Anne • July 8, 2008 @ 2:19 PM

    I’ve actually taken yoga, it’s wonderful.

    Sorry, Nancy, if you were harbouring illicit thoughts about me…
    I’m just not that into you.

  51. Nancy • July 8, 2008 @ 7:47 PM

    Hey, isn’t that what you said when you named yourself Anonymous about a week ago? Yoga is too damn boring for me…I’d rather be doing what you see when you click my name! It’s much more fun and a waaayyy better workout!

  52. tributegirl • July 8, 2008 @ 9:43 PM

    “Trying to make this a personal �Nancy/T.girl vendetta�� and attempting to enlist Jennie and Tammy��how juvenile.”
    You said it Jo-anne, and yes, it is very juvenile. Maybe you should stop now.

  53. jennie_bearz • July 9, 2008 @ 2:44 PM

    Oh my what a ride this is turning out to be…
    Im stuck for words and don’t even know what to say…LMFAO

  54. tammy • July 9, 2008 @ 3:09 PM

    tributegirl and nancy the only reason why jo-anne has been sticking up for me and jennie is because you two keep going off on us and we don’t start it with you all the time … she doesn’t have to but I do thank her for it…and nancy if I’m making fun of someone else let them stick up for themselves…the only reason why I called him an idiot and a moron is because he said something stupid and you’ve called me names for saying stupid sh*t too so stop being a hipacrit (I don’t know if I spelled that right)… tributegirl I said it before and I’ll say it again I’m only nasty to people who are nasty to me…I agree with some of the things both you and Nancy say but most of the time you two are instigating something by bringing both myself and jennie into it by saying that I have a split personality or some stupid comments like that…and like you say Nancy I’m not going to take it lightly or sitting down or whatever it is you say…so when you play nice I will too…

  55. Jo-Anne • July 9, 2008 @ 3:46 PM

    sorry guys, I would have jumped on this earlier, but I just got out of my cell, yes, the Tribute Coppers got me….ha ha ha

    I knew I should have hid behind the giant mushroom! Where is Alice (in Wonderland) when I need her?

    la-la land for sure. just gotta go along for the ride.

    no worries, Tammy and Jennie.

  56. Nancy • July 9, 2008 @ 4:57 PM

    Maybe he did say something stupid, Tammy, and you know what? I do agree with you, just not about the names. I’m not a hypocrite Tammy…told ya before and I’ll say it again, I didn’t start with you until Jennie started and then you jumped in. You involved yourself by going along with her and then adding more. (Remember the “Nancy you need to get laid” comment from Jennie and then you laughed and added your 2 cents?) Maybe you should take your own advice and just stick to fighting your own battles!

    Ooooops, sorry Jennie….LMFAO

  57. Jo-Anne • July 9, 2008 @ 7:20 PM

    shame on you Tammy, for jumping in and agreeing with someone else….and oh my God, you added your own 2 cents?? You should be burned alive.

    that’s how it all starts, you know.

    I mean T.Girl/Nancy never jump in, add their 2 cents, always fight their own battles…
    – wait!!!! Pinocchio’s nose just grew like a foot!!!

    I must say, Nancy, you are a busy girl, beating up all these dudes (here, click my name, please, please, click my name, please, here I’ll click it for you) and memorizing the Tribute archives for the past 6 months…ha ha

  58. tammy • July 10, 2008 @ 10:16 AM

    Isn’t that what I’m doing Nancy fighting my own battles and it’s not my fault that people agree with me…and I’m not going to apologize for agreeing with Jennie and Jo-Anne..alot of what they say is what I am also thinking…kind of like you and Tributegirl and now your little friend mlm…

  59. Jo-Anne • July 10, 2008 @ 12:05 PM

    couldn’t have said it better…

    however, I can add
    Mega Leech Maggot (mlm) has firmly placed him(her)self as numero uno parasitic mass, last observed seen clinging frantically to the sinking S.S. Nancy

  60. Camilla • July 10, 2008 @ 12:07 PM

    Does anyone else think mlm and tributegirl are the same person?

  61. Jo-Anne • July 10, 2008 @ 12:14 PM

    quite possibly, yes

  62. Nancy • July 10, 2008 @ 5:35 PM

    Ummmm….I was the one who first said that I like mlm’s spunk, that I think we would get along quite well. So, I don’t believe that mlm is ‘clinging’ to me at all. And…LOL…Tributegirl..???? Can’t say for sure but, I very much doubt it that mlm is Tributegirl!! Oh wait! Maybe I am mlm (I could just see it coming on the horizon!), I mean, seeing as I like mlm and all…maybe he/she is ME!! ?????

    Oh, Click my name now and you’ll see Tammy’s cute baby picture…ROFLMFAO!!!

  63. Nancy • July 10, 2008 @ 7:36 PM

    Then don’t! REALLY! 😀

  64. Jo-Anne • July 10, 2008 @ 7:44 PM

    I didn’t…your turn

  65. Nancy • July 10, 2008 @ 7:58 PM

    Good…over and out!

  66. tammy • July 11, 2008 @ 4:11 PM

    Yeah right…how about you just keep bringing me into Nancy and my suposed baby picture aka Nancy’s picture cause apparently thats all you have left to say…come on this is getting boring I used to enjoy this…now all I read is click on my name wah wah …mlm I like your spunk come join me and tributegirl I’m jealous cause they have Jo-Anne…Click on my name…I’m a loser…Anything else we don’t know Nancy?

  67. Nancy • July 11, 2008 @ 6:39 PM

    Actually, yes! I don’t have to ask anyone to “jump on my boat”, as Jo-Anne would say. Boring? I’m just getting started! I say what I want, Tammy. Not what people want me to say. You think I’m jealous of a HO named Jo-Anne? Great! Now I won’t get ANY sleep…I’ll be too busy rolling on the floor laughing!! Now, you call me a loser? Aren’t you and Jennie the ones who said you guys are on here because you are at work and bored? No wonder! We’ve seen your baby picture…NOW STOP SCARING THE DAMN CUSTOMERS AWAY!! LMAO

  68. Jo-Anne • July 12, 2008 @ 2:51 PM

    tammy, you’re right on target, as usual…
    how many times do we have to hear Nancy say “I say what I want” – you look like this picture, name calling ad nauseum…what is she trying to prove except that her immaturity knows no bounds

  69. tributegirl • July 12, 2008 @ 8:27 PM

    Well, I am sorry to disappoint, but I am not mlm. I think mlm is very crass, not my style.
    tammy, regarding your July 9, 3:09 comment, that’s fine, if someone agrees with you, fine, no problem, if someone feels you are getting attacked unfairly and they want to stick up for you, that’s fine too. But the thing with Jo-Anne, well, I find it very odd, because she didn’t really come on here until AFTER our big catfight was over, and then she started saying all kinds of really nasty stuff, trying to get it restarted. That’s not sticking up for someone, that’s manipulating, that’s what she’s doing to you and to all of us.

  70. Jo-Anne • July 12, 2008 @ 8:30 PM

    visit the newest story line, Sex and the City…I rest my case

    who is trying desperately to start stuff – the same two losers Nancy and T.G.

    you’re sucking up to Tammy is past pathetic

  71. tributegirl • July 12, 2008 @ 9:34 PM

    Thank you, Jo-anne, I rest my case.

  72. Nancy • July 12, 2008 @ 9:55 PM

    So what? So I brought it into another article! Doesn’t mean I started it…just means I moved it! Click my name, Jo!

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