« previous When you have a character and franchise as iconic as Freddy Krueger and A Nightmare on Elm Street, there’s a certain level of expectation that will come when you try to remake it. This 2010 remake starring Jackie Earle Haley as the horror icon, made a huge departure in the makeup design that strayed way […] next »

Jackie Earle Haley – A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)

When you have a character and franchise as iconic as Freddy Krueger and A Nightmare on Elm Street, there's a certain level of expectation that will come when you try to remake it. This 2010 remake starring Jackie Earle Haley as the horror icon, made a huge departure in the makeup design that strayed way too far from the original look, while looking horrifying in all the wrong ways. It's no surprise then that longtime fans of the franchise easily dismissed this entry, even if Jackie Earle Haley felt like the right casting choice for this new interpretation of the character. 

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