« previous With director James Cameron, he typically goes with the idea of go big or go home, and his take on the 1991 French action comedy La Totale! is no different. While taking the same premise and a few set pieces from the original, Cameron, in typical fashion, goes larger than life with his film True […] next »

True Lies (1994) / La Totale! (1991)

With director James Cameron, he typically goes with the idea of go big or go home, and his take on the 1991 French action comedy La Totale! is no different. While taking the same premise and a few set pieces from the original, Cameron, in typical fashion, goes larger than life with his film True Lies, starting with casting Arnold Schwarzenegger. Letting the actor show a more lighthearted and comedic side, along with his typical action fare, True Lies is a fun, if dated, romp that features Jamie Lee Curtis in an equally entertaining role—one that many audiences will remember for another reason. With a cast rounded out by the likes of Tom Arnold, Tia Carrere, Eliza Dushku and Bill Paxton, True Lies may not be one of Cameron’s more memorable films, but it is one of his most fun.

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