« previous Call it recency bias with this being the most recent Best Picture winner, but given the growing divide between social classes in the past year, the themes of Parasite have become increasingly relevant. This all comes in spite of the film’s language barrier for non-Korean speaking audiences, but it speaks volumes of the problems faced […]

1. Parasite (2019)

Call it recency bias with this being the most recent Best Picture winner, but given the growing divide between social classes in the past year, the themes of Parasite have become increasingly relevant. This all comes in spite of the film's language barrier for non-Korean speaking audiences, but it speaks volumes of the problems faced by low income people around the world. Bong Joon Ho's masterpiece of a film was able to transcend genres—it's not a movie you can entirely box into one genre. Regardless, it still resonated with audiences beyond its borders, helping it become the first foreign language film to win the Best Picture Oscar. The film set a historical precedent and is a big reason why it tops all other Best Picture winners of the past 20 years. 

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