« previous In this dark and bizarre universe, Elvis Infante is a “diablero” who patrols the streets in his dilapidated Cadillac, capturing demons, fallen angels and other supernatural beings. Priest Father Ramiro Ventura seeks his help, as well as that of superhero Nancy Gama. Based on the novel El diablo me obligó by F.G. Haghenbeck. next »

Diablero (Dec. 21)

In this dark and bizarre universe, Elvis Infante is a "diablero" who patrols the streets in his dilapidated Cadillac, capturing demons, fallen angels and other supernatural beings. Priest Father Ramiro Ventura seeks his help, as well as that of superhero Nancy Gama. Based on the novel El diablo me obligó by F.G. Haghenbeck.

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