« previous In 1970, legendary director/screenwriter/actor Orson Welles (Citizen Kane) began filming a movie starring John Huston as an aging film director looking for money to complete his final film. Other cast members included Peter Bogdanovich (who would gain acclaim as the director of the Oscar-winning 1971 film The Last Picture Show and the 1974 Oscar-winning film Paper Moon) and […] next »

The Other Side of the Wind (Nov. 2)

In 1970, legendary director/screenwriter/actor Orson Welles (Citizen Kane) began filming a movie starring John Huston as an aging film director looking for money to complete his final film. Other cast members included Peter Bogdanovich (who would gain acclaim as the director of the Oscar-winning 1971 film The Last Picture Show and the 1974 Oscar-winning film Paper Moon) and Susan Strasberg. Financial issues caused the production to come to a halt in 1976, despite the thousand reels of film, which were locked in a Paris vault. In March 2017, producers Frank Marshall (who served as a production manager on Wind during in its initial shooting) and Filip Jan Rymsza spearheaded efforts to have Welles’s vision completed more than 30 years after his death. Pictured: Orson Welles, Peter Bogdanovich, Oja Kodar, Gary Graver, Cybill Shepherd, Bill Shepherd, Frank Marshall.

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