« previous In rural India, baby Roona was born with Hydrocephalus, a birth defect caused by build-up of fluid in the brain leading to massive swelling of the head. Her parents, who lead a hand-to-mouth existence, made trips to state level government hospitals that were poorly equipped to treat her and could offer no help. Their sources […] next »

Rooting for Roona – October 15

In rural India, baby Roona was born with Hydrocephalus, a birth defect caused by build-up of fluid in the brain leading to massive swelling of the head. Her parents, who lead a hand-to-mouth existence, made trips to state level government hospitals that were poorly equipped to treat her and could offer no help. Their sources depleted, they resigned themselves to their daughter's tragic fate until a miracle happened. A photo-journalist in Roona's hometown took a photo of her that went viral.

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