Knocked Up - User Reviews
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Not as funny as all that, and yeah it went on too long. What was with Leslie's Mann character? She played the biggest **** ever and her screentime was extremely unpleasant. That really brought the movie down.
Some laughs, but this (like the other films by uber-cuck Apatow) is way too long.The characters played by Heigl and Mann are horribly unlikable (like the actresses in real life. They seem to have been playing themselves) The ever welcome presence of Charlyne Yi helps pick things up.
the vulgarity and profanity were unbelievable
Not as good as Superbad, but still a very funny movie. Laughs from start to finish.
Not as funny as it should have been.
One of my favorite movies of the year but very disappointed it was not available it on Blu-ray since Universal is exclusive to HD-DVD :( Guess I won't buy this movie at all.
too too funny!
the single best movie ever made
I just saw this movie with my girlfriend, and it's already been 3 months since it opened, and i think i should of seen it before, it was really hilarious and this is good for anybody who loved Superbad.
I didn't really like it... bit too much of a chick flick I'd have to say, although there were a few funny parts.
it was helareas and it was by far the best movie iv ever seen in a day
Whoever says this movie ain't funny theyre retarted! Knocked Up is LOL funny,still i dont get how to 40-Year Old Virgin,with all those nude scenes and language was only rated 14a,and this movie,with only language,and showing a baby crowning was rated 18a??:S...Well neways! Asum movie,you'll definitally laff ur hedz off..:P
Way too much information for a 21-year-old. I was hoping this movie would be funny with a moral lesson but it had crude humour, too much adult content and foul language. Some scenes should not have been in the movie. Only the acting and storyline seemed to blend in nicely but all in all it was a terrible movie. Perhaps close to being realistic but not something one would depict in a movie.
Worst Movie I have seen in a long time. Bad acting, terrible language, just plain stupid storyline and characters!!! Go see any other movie and your money is better spent!!
immature humor. disrepectful to males,females and the beauty of pregnancy.
Very funny realistic look at love, relationship and family life. Excellent performances from Paul Rudd and Leslie Mann. Lots of profane language and sex so not for all audiences.
I thought it was a great movie. It was crude but so is life.
I would have enjoyed the movie a lot better if the language had not been so filthy - I mean I am not a prude but all I remember of the movie is "f" this, "f" that, "f" you. Really was it that necessary to get a point across?????
Good story line, but was ruined by the crude content and foul language.
Well I went because a friend wanted too. I didn't expect much and thats just what I got. If your way into vulgar prurient humor you will love it. As for the rest of you, don't waste your time and money. Go see Oceans Thirteen instead. It was great.
It was enjoyable. It was entertaining, but showed the challenges we 20-somethings can have with the whole idea of "growing up" but showing we can and do make it through.
the only movie i have ever walked out of... terrible not funny at all, just a waste of time.
Funniest movie I have seen in years.
Hilarious! One of my favourite comedy's ever.
I wish I could get the two hours back that I wasted watching that crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 40 year old virgin was funny this was NOT!!!!!
Its ok
Movie was better than I thought it would be. Still not a great movie, but a little funny and a little touching in parts. Worth seeing.
This movie was hiliarious, I havent seen a more real movie when it comes to relationships and mens reactions to pregnancy. I can't wait for the DVD
there was so much nudity.....
A very funny movie. Definatley a theater movie. Just would not be as funny at home unless your half baked!!!
Great show, lots of laughs.
One of the funniest most honest comedies I've seen in a long time.
This movie was hilarious...but you have to like stupid-funny movies to really enjoy it. And if you like watching movies about relationships, then this is the movie!!!...Definitely gonna get the DVD! GL
BIG disappointment. Stupid, vulgar humour. Didn't laugh at all after the first 10 minutes. Pretty much just squirmed after that at the sad, obvious attempts at securing some laughs.
Excellent movie....if you really know what guys are really like than you will totally get this movie. So much fun! Lots of laughs from beginning to end.
I have no idea why it was considered so good by other critics. I heard more groans in the theater at its attempts for sexual humor of the basest kind.
This movie was hilarious. I will definitly see it again.
Very very funny. The one thing I liked about this one was that even though there was lots of swearing there wasn't too much graphic sexual talk. Great for seeing with lots of friends. But if you're a parent don't take your kids! If you wait for it on DVD it might be unrated and sometimes the swearing can be over the top!
This movie is non-stop laughter. It's a great date movie because it's essentially about how the genders communicate differently and it speaks well to both men and women.
good movie
Seriously, this movie is awesome
WOW this movie is friggin hysterical!! when i was going into the theatre, i was sort of skeptical about how funny it would be due to all the horrible movies that came out this summer but i REALLY thought wrong. definately see this movie but DON'T bring your kids!!
Theatre was laughing so hard I missed some lines in the movie, will have to go watch it again and then buy it when it comes out. Absolutly hysterical, real life comedy. Can say enough about the movie
The Movie was really funny!! i enjoyed it alot
wait for the dvd and don't let the kid's watch (funny)
Hilarious movie, almost as good as 40 year old virgin...if you liked that movie, you'll love this one!!!
Great movie, but some people brought their young kids to this movie. Please don't, unless you want them to learn about sex, bad language and how does a half naked striper do a lap dance! LEAVE THE KIDS AT HOME!!!!!!!!!!
great laughs! Stupidly funny! We'd see it again! Definately one for the library!!!