Star Wars: The Last Jedi - User Reviews

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2.90 / 5

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Based on 5886 votes and 482 reviews

  • User rating: 2.90 43.75%
  • User rating: 2.90 3.01%
  • User rating: 2.90 1.67%
  • User rating: 2.90 2.18%
  • User rating: 2.90 49.39%

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User review rating: 1 January 30, 2018

Another uninspired copy and paste script. Some absolutely stupid character abilities. No respect for the characters/legacy. A bunch of crappy effortless CGI. Cheap humour. 3 stars for the percentage of the movie I wasn't bored. It's just another dumb movie now - the legacy is dead.

User review rating: 3 January 30, 2018

Lots of problems with plot and such but overall I liked it. If you are a Star Wars fan like me, go and see it. It's got lots of Star Wars fun. Luke and Leia show up and a load of bad guys attack the Rebel Alliance. Turn off your negativity and just enjoy it for a fun romp in a Galaxy... far far away. Far from perfect, but still worth seeing. 3/5

User review rating: 1 January 30, 2018

I am not a DIE-HARD Star Wars fan but I have seen all the movies, played both KOTORs, read some literature etc. You can say I'm just an average fan. And maybe it was because of high expectations, fueled by rave reviews, but after the

User review rating: 1 January 30, 2018

Awful. Save your money. No surprise it's still rated 3 stars. Got to hurt the 5 star troll. Probably the worst ever Star Wars.

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

Luke is portrayed as a coward through the whole movie and is reluctant and never actually showed up to fight Kylo and this is weak writing. How can that become a cause by fighting via virtual It's better if Luke actually showed up, kicked some First Order butt and then became a sacrifice, ergo uniting everyone and doing the right thing. Man, that would have been such a powerful scene and all could be forgiven (maybe). Comedy scenes included are absurd (comedy is good to have but not this way) and take away the sense of urgency and importance of the fight too much, characters are shallow and cliche, enough plot holes to fill every hole on a golf course, and severe deus ex machina (the Force mostly) used for convenience and lazy/bad writing. Men in this movie are portrayed as idiots or macho. Women are not well represented or respected either and does them a disservice. The people who funded (Disney), wrote and directed this movie must have no morality or clue, therefore the movie had none.

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

I’m giving this a 1 because me and 3 other people in my group decided to leave the theater after the first part of the movie otherwise I would have given it 0if that were possible.. I have to say that I’m a fan of the original trilogy but except another friend in my group the other two didn’t care about Star Wars very much so they were in just to enjoy a movie together (We are all about 30 years old). I didn’t have great expectations, I’m not a fan of episode VII, I find it inconsistent and not original but overall I think it’s an ok movie, so I tried to have an open mind for this one. I did know about the mixed reviews but nothing could have prepared me for what I’ve witnessed. I’m not going to debate the lore or the direction the story is progressing in these new films, I personally don’t like it because for me Star Wars was something else and I think Disney could have told a new original story for the new generations without the need to destroy the heroes of the old movies and their accomplishments, but , I repeat, this is only my personal opinion. ‘The Last Jedi’ was very good visually but story wise it was ridiculous, rushed, full of plot holes and inconsistecies and I’m not saying that in refer to the original trilogy, but to episode VII and even with itself. The characters choices and many scenes are totally random and don’t make any sense. As if this couldn’t be enough the movie is full of cheap forced “funny” moments and evident political topics that don’t belong in a Star Wars movie at all. We had I think 6 or 7 kids sitting in the row in front of us but I never heard anyone laughing once. I’m completely puzzled about the great reviews this movie is getting. Are good visuals, special effects and cute birds really enough to make a bad movie a great movie?

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

After seeing The Force Awakens I was extremely excited to see this movie. The Force Awakens was refreshing, magical, and mysterious. Yes there were monitor issues, but it was very entertaining and I hardly noticed them. So, after two years The Last Jedi was released and I was ready to go. Little did I know that I would be walking out of the theater in such disappointment. I couldn't believe it! This film did not deliver the same experience The Force Awakens provided. It felt like it was a tree whose core was rotten. It lacked something. A lot of something. It looked and sounded like Star Wars but it didn't feel like Star Wars. It felt poorly written with no clear direction. Many of my favorite characters had been completely mischaracterized. I could care less for any of the characters. There were so many moments where I found myself being ripped away from the movie and I realized I was sitting in a movie theater. Having to listen to a political lecture really took me out of the experience. I want to forget about life hear on earth and go on a magical journey and see people do impossible and amazing things. This movie was very disappointing and unsatisfying. There were many questions from The Force Awakens that weren't even addressed. The answers we did get were very underwhelming. I have very little hope for the next installment. We'll see.

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

The story was a sloppy, garbled and confusing mess. The decisions Rian Johnson made with Luke's character were heart-shattering. I think I speak for most fans of the original trilogy: what they did with Luke in this movie was a betrayal of the character that we know Luke is. Mark Hamill said himself he was "insulted" when he read the script. I can only imagine how offended George Lucas is. I can't bring myself to see this movie a second time because it hurts just thinking about Luke. Disney is dead to me. What an absolute shame. What an absolute failure. Done

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

Hilariously bad movie. There are zero rules to anything happening in the movie, the new order always fails to accomplish anything and the resistance seems succeed out of sheer luck. Also the Plot between Rey and Luke is uninteresting while poorly trying to imitate the excitment of Lukes first Introduction to the force. I could go on ranting about nearly every aspect of this bad movie in detail, but I want to spare myself from reliving to much of this awful experience. I guess after a mediocore Episode VII I will have to accept that Disney isnt capable of capturing the essence of what made Star Wars fun. Generally it doesn't at all feel like a Star Wars movie, and you shouldn't waste your money on going to the cinema seeing this movie.

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

The film is terrible. The plot and text is garbage and the characters' motivations makes absolutely NO SENSE. The charater development is clearly lacking.

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

The last Jedi is a bad movie: it is horribly written, full of plotholes, and the lack of character developpement is astonishing. It is also a treason of the Star Wars Universe. The film direction is well done, but it can't hide all these patent flaws. So I will also rate it with a zero, as a sanction. Don't go see it !

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

The Last Jedi is blasphemy. Rain Johnson does not seem to understand the essence of what Star Wars is about. He cares so much about subverting expectations, that he is willing to steal your joy!

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

This is without a doubt the worst Star Wars movie in the franchise, and one of the worst movies I've ever seen. No, I'm not saying that because I expected something different and am disappointed. No, I am not saying that because a beloved character dies. I am saying this because the movie has poor pacing, poor tone, completely self-contradictory and illogical plot movements, plot holes everywhere, no character arch, and simultaneously destroys any hope of the new characters being interesting AND the legacy of old heroes. The "gotcha" reversal of expectations moves, which became horribly predictable, were nauseating. The comedy never landed, and destroyed the tone. The feminist and animal activist politics were completely overbearing (and self-contradictory). At every opportunity to create good character development, the movie falls flat. Do we need to talk about alien boob milking, ships that go exactly the same speed for an entire film, useless Canto Bite missions, dying from over-meditation, or any of the other nonsensical events? Do we really need to go there? Because I can. Trust me when I say: this is not the Star Wars you were looking for. Avoid.

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

It looks really good but the anti-white racist SJW degradation is beyond forgivable. Another classic piece of media destroyed on the alter of a political narrative over the stories lore and good story telling. Good going guys you ruined another cultural staple and turned even more people against you. Another series crossed off the list.

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

It’s not coincidence that Lucas made Luke literally rescue his father from the Dark Side. Proposing that there’s no absolute good and evil, that both Jedi and Sith were equally wrong because of their dogmatism and that both of those factions used the Force and viewed themselves as good (as a mean to reinforce their power) is treason against the core morality that was deeply embedded in Lucas’ original philosophy, one that he tried to build in the tradition of ancient mythology: he carefully showed how this relativistic “grey view” of good and evil is just a trick used by the dark side. Remember Palpatine’s and Anakin’s conversation at the opera. It was meant to mirror the Temptation of Christ in the desert, the serpent at the Tree of Good and Evil or the conversation between Buddha and Mara. Evil tries to twist the morality of the hero, painting both moral opposites as the same, as relative. A pure Jungian archetype. That’s why Lucas sold his soul. He literally did. He sold a creation that conveyed these ideas beautifully to a company that wants to deconstruct them and negate their validity and use them to further advance the destructive globalist agenda which is aimed at breaking down everything into chaos gray zones, lack of meaning, addiction etc where everything is the opposite to what it was before. I’m sure he’s sad with what Disney is doing with his carefully crafted mythology but this is the perfect depiction of why more and more are reporting being unhappy, depressed, unwanted, not loved…… Not having understood the meaning or ways of navigating in life because it all has been based on big lie. The truth has always been there right there right infront of them. "That evil & good is subjective, lightness darkness is not equal, we need to choose the tree of life" By supporting this movie u are consenting to create "Order out of Chaos from wickedness & suffering"

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

My wife and I walked out of the theater extremely disappointed. The movie just lacked substance and story. It gave the audience more questions and answered largely anticipated questions horribly...It was also full of plot holes and just ruined long time loved characters from the original trilogy. Episode VII did a good job setting this movie up for success, but this movie just was a dump on the series. When Disney bought Star Wars, I feared they would kill it...and this movie is my fears come true.

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

The only positive thing I can say of this movie is that there are some scenes that are visually spectacular. On the whole, however, the characters are unlikable caricatures with sloppy dialog. The story itself is a convoluted, meandering mess with nearly a third of the screen-time being utterly pointless. All the lose ends of the previous movie are either ignored or bluntly stated to be pointless. "Mary Sue" Rei Mary Sue's her way through everything as she did in episode 7, leaving no tension or attachment to her boring, vacant character. Add a dash of clumsy political ideological allegory and you end up with two and half hours of my life I wish that I could have back. I will not bother with episode 9.

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

Terrible film. Even from a basic plot and character point of view it sucked. We got to see the destruction of Luke's Character which was a real low point in my opinion. I think people who like this film simply like pretty lights and visuals and the fact it checks every PC box imaginable. Just a bad film. How did people get paid to make this film? It's like welfare for hollywood types. Show up, create a turkey, collect a paycheck. If you like the original trilogy, avoid.

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

If it were totally standalone, it would be an average kind-of-enjoyable thing with many plotholes. But like destroys the mythology, and offers nothing except meh-meh to replace what it destroyed. I WANTED to be surprised, but not in such a way that the surprises all ring hollow and/or unconvincing. Let's see why... Luke contemplating killing Kylo...nope. This happens to be a personal obsession of Rian's - "if you met Hitler while still a kid, would you kill him?" Check out his movie Looper for proof of this. And it could have been convincingly placed in this mythology...only it isn't. Something like that has to be earned, not shoehorned in. And yeah, it does character-assassinate Luke, this is simply not him, not even if he changed. An example (only one of the possible ways this could have been made convincing, and no it wasn't my idea to start with, got it from someone on the Net): if Ben/Kylo and all or most of Luke's students got converted by Snoke and rebelled, Luke may have been forced to kill them while crying, then could not bring himself to kill his own nephew.

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

I really tried to enjoy the movie, i forced myself to like it, but everyday I get angrier at the realization that rian Johnson just made the worst star wars movie. Please Disney, please lucasfilm, stop killing star wars, stop killing something i loved so much

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

This movie just is poor in general and a freaking disaster as a Star Wars film. First of all 2/3 of this movie is a total mess of insane stupidity and SJW agenda. People of color are all heroes and led by number of empowered woman, First Order are stupid idiotic men who are LITERALLY HITLERS from the 60s cartoons. Do you really think that your viewers are THAT stupid and should be fed with that kind of Top Dog Luke is a old bitter idiot who does not know better cause his student knows its all from the start. Kylo is more bland then in Force Awakens. Whole casino planet is a stupid nonsensical 30 minutes joke that was written to give Fin some artificial and useless story to tell. From the 2.5h of this movie may be 30 minutes were worth it, the rest of it is just a freaking filler crap that should not even be in this movie.

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

I had an unsettling feeling about this film when the "can you hear me?" jokes started at the beginning of the film. it only got worse from there. Just awful, dreadful movie-making. ONE scene stuck in my memory: that of using a capital ship as a Weapon of Lightspeed Destruction. The rest was easily forgotten. This may be the 1st Star Wars movie I don't purchase or see again

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

If you watched the original trilogy (episodes IV-VI) and have formed an attachment to those characters (especially Luke) you are going to get slapped in the face. Before the movies came out I kept seeing Mark Hamill interviews where he was trying to tactfully voice decent with the direction the movie was going. In one interview he actually states "I fundamentally disagree with everything (the writers) think about Luke." Man was he right. The Force Awakens left so many enticing questions to be answered, along with a bevy of mysterious characters who we all wanted to learn more about. The Last Jedi, not only fails to answer ANY important questions, it destroys the possibility or reason to ever answer them in a meaningful way (either through cheap and banal plot devices or outright character death). As in The Force Awakens the characters all have fast paced adventures while completely avoiding any interesting or meaningful character arcs. The movie is beautiful, but its all eye candy and no substance. Like eating a pile of real candy the initial sugar rush fades and you are left with nothing but the proverbial tummy ache. The more time I have to reflect on the film the more I think it was 1. Terrible. 2. May actually have fundamentally broken the Star Wars world. Perhaps it can be saved, but at this point I can't see how. It looks like Star Wars will end not with a bang but with a whimper.

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

This movie doesn't care about the fans nor for anything Star Wars if this is mark hamill and Carrie Fischer last film in Star Wars Disney has done a truly remarkable job in destroying the franchise no matter who directs episode 9 if this movie is canon and not retconned it will be truly be a lost cause for the Star Wars franchise rian johnson ruined Star Wars so spectacularly that I am flabbergasted that Disney would ever consider giving him his own Star Wars trilogy after destroying this one so callously

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

The one is for the amazing visuals and wonderful backgrounds. The only good thing about that movie. The story is bad, the acting is bad (except of BB-8). And they end up AGAIN on a WHITE planet fighting AT-ATs wit SPEEDERS!!!!! They shoot in a ballistic arch in space and why do Spaceships without fuel make a full stop? Why does the Empire only shot with one cannon on the transporter? Why to the no just send ONE of the Star Destroyer ahead?

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

Even Mark Hamill said the script was deeply flawed. More than that, it's a disgrace. Rian Johnson and Disney have rounded up the cannon and lore as we know it, kicked it to its knees, and blew its brains out. No longer does Star Wars have a meaning or a message.

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

Another major disappointment was Leia's character as a whole. She doesn't get much screen time, and when she does it's weak, and ultimately pointless. She feels so much like a side character that she could've been removed altogether (which she should have been), and it wouldn't have made a goddamn difference to the story. Being yet another reason why Episode IX is royally f**ked, you know, having to figure out how to either sustain her or kill her off. The one decent thing I can say for this movie is that it's very pretty. It is hands down the most aesthetically pleasing Star Wars movie to date, but that doesn't help a film much when the story, characters, and even the ending are terrible. The Last Jedi takes everything The Force Awakens built up and says, "F**k it, we don't need it." Being a terrible segway episode and standalone episode. But at least it did it while being pretty, which is the only reason this film is a 1/5 as opposed to a flat out 0/5.

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

The Last Jedi is an awful movie. EVERYTHING that happens in the movie is awful. The "humor" is awful. the "story" is awful. The "plot" is full of holes. There is a completely waste of 45 minutes in a casino where "rich people r bad" and animals should be free message. NO STORY AT ALL. This is not Star Wars. This was SPACEBALLS or a Parody of a Star Wars movie. The "critics" got red carpet treatment and flat out LIED with giving high praise for this terrible movie.

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

This is what happens when Social Justice Warriors take over Hollywood as well. They keep are ruining sports, video games and now the most iconic franchise of all time! Can I just enjoy my childhood film and characters for 2 hours!?! I will not get into plot holes, etc. Other users have made it clear this movie only has Star Wars for name.

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

We all know that Carrie Fisher died last year, and so I assumed this one scene would be here end. But no... How? It is not explained and that is horrible. It feels so misplaced and awkward, it hurts. So she still lives in this movie, and on the other hand she is dead and nobody knows what will be with her in the next movie. This makes no sense at all. Lukes appearance in this movie should have been cut out. The way he is portrayed here makes absolutely no sense to his character at all. This movie is so full of "what the... why?" that it hurts. So I hope Episode 9 starts with Rey waking up, realizing she had a really intense dream and then the story kinda progresses. But like this? No. There was a building up - a tension in this movie where I really thought ok, she will become a sith and Kylo will become a jedi again. But no. And the end of.. Snoke? We don't even know who he is, and apparently he is dead now? or isn't he? This movie just makes no sense. I absolutely dislike how they treated die old characters in this "trilogy"

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

It seems like the movie was just one big head fake after another at the expense of making a movie that makes sense in the context of what came before. Its as if the director was so concerned with the criticism that the force awakens was just a retread that they decided to throw everything out the window whether it made sense or not. There were some of these surprises that I liked (especially the throne room fight). But overall I think this movie is a mess that destroys more than it builds. Worst of all the destruction has effectively eradicated my desire to see any more of the Disney Star Wars. I really enjoyed Rogue One and i thought The Force Awakens was ok. I even appreciated some aspects of the prequels. But this one just left me confused and disappointed. There is a Youtuber named David Stewart who has a few videos breaking down the issues with this movie (in a better fashion than I can). One of the points he made was that this movie has the aesthetic of a Star Wars movie but it does not have the heart of one. There is no heart here just window dressing.

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

I really wish they would have finished out episodes 8 and 9 before trying to reset everything. The last point I will make is that the writer/director seemed to go out of his way to subvert every expectation. While I like some surprises i wish they were tied to a better story. I couldn’t escape the feeling that I was being trolled throughout this movie. You expect to find out about Rey’s past? Nope!. You expect to find out how the first order came to be? nope! you expect to find out more about Snoke? Nope You expect Admiral Holdo to act rationally and explain the plan so people know they are not just waiting for a slow death? Nope. Who are the Knights of Ren? Nope! You expect Luke to not be a bitter old man who doesn’t care that his sister is in grave danger? Nope! You expect that Finn will retain some of the character growth he had from the last movie? Nope! You expect Finn to go out and sacrifice himself to save what is remaining of his friends? Nope! You expect Poe to not act like a complete ass twice? Nope! You expect this film to make sense given the existing canon? Nope!

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

Many people have said there is precedent for Luke going into exile because both Yoda and Obi Wan did the same. I don’t buy this. In this film Luke just gives up and goes into exile to die. Obi Wan went to Tatooine to watch over Luke and try and make sure Vader/Palpatine didn’t find Luke. Yoda went to Dagoba to bide his time and see if there might come a way to undo what had been done. From my perspective they both still carried a spark of hope. Luke just gave up with little explanation as to why. Are you freaking kidding me!?!? ?The next point I will talk about is the overall tone of the movie. The writer seemed to go out of his way to make sure we knew the that all the stuff from episodes 1-7 does not matter from this point on. There were some serious nihilistic undercurrents here. He went out of his way to say it doesn’t matter who Snoke is. It doesn’t matter who Rey’s parents are. The Jedi origins and history don’t matter. By the end of the movie the resistance is basically decimated with 1 ship and about 20 people surviving. I get that Disney probably wants to reset things so they can take the series in some different directions but did they have to go out of there way to tear down just about everything that came before to do it?

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

While there are many critiques of some of the issues with this movie I will focus on a few that really ruined it for me. The 1st and biggest for me is the portrayal of Luke. in this move we are supposed to believe that Luke just gave up and went to some island to die because Ben Solo started to turn to the Dark Side. This basically undoes all character progression we see for Luke in episodes 4-6. This was just a leap to far for me and really pulled me out of the movie. i probably could have gone along with this plot point if they had spent some time developing this point. Instead all we got to support this was a few short flashbacks and some very short exposition. Maybe they could have cut the pointless Canto Bight stuff and spent some time here). One possible way this could have been down would be if Luke had been married and Ben Solo killed his spouse. I probably would not have liked this but I could have gone along with it.

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

This movie is utter trash. It completely takes the concepts and plot points originally set up in the first movie and just chucks them over their shoulder. Seriously, the result of Rey holding out the light saber to Luke ends in him just chucking it away. Where to start with this steaming pile of shiet. First, Rey is apparently nobody special. Her parents were junkers who traded her for credits then drank themselves to death and are buried on Jakku in a poppers grave. Snoke is nobody special as he is easily killed by Ben Solo aka Kylo Ren. These are two things that are set up to be major plot points in the first movie that are just chucked out the window in this new movie. The whole point of the movie is killing the past and letting go of your heroes so that "new ones" can rise. **** garbage. This is just an excuse for lazy writing and a very clear "progressive" agenda. There's the scene on the Resistance capital ship where the new admiral doesn't tell Poe her plan which results in him mutinying and setting up a plan of his own that fails because Fin and his new love interest Rose (who is beautiful by feminist standards), are completely inept. Why didn't the femnazi purple haired admiral just tell Poe her plan? I mean if you are planning to stealthily abandon ship and flee to an old uncharted Rebellion base, maybe that's the kind of thing you would want to tell the crew? So that, you know, they can prepare to abandon ship? Anyway, Fin and Rose go to the casino world, complain about capitalism, get arrested, break out, free some animals but not the slave children (Like WTF! you free the freaking animals but not the SLAVE KIDS!!!), partner up with a criminal they met in prison who later betrays them (big freaking surprise). . .

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

leftist rot. allow me to free associate: lazy writing. cultural decay. socialist praising. capitalist damning. regurgitated FX/ideas. no ben burtt. misandrous. anti-white. destroys everything built nicely by Force…

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

The New Republic is completely gone. Luke’s Jedi Order is a failure. An evil empire reigns across the galaxy once more. Everything our heroes achieved in the Original Trilogy was ultimately for nothing. Luke, Leia, and Han deserved better.

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

All the previous "1" reviews were right on the money. There are so many bad plot devices, meaningless diversions, bad character development, poor "physics", bad acting, bad EVERYTHING, that this should not even be considered a part of the Star Wars saga. They should issue an apology and try again.

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

This film is an utter betrayal to the entire Star Wars mythos. It literally destroys everything we came to love before it and proclaims a new order based on nothing. Luke as a character was utterly betrayed. Whatever potential there was in any of the characters from TFA has been turned to **** Rian Johnson should be tarred and feathered and run out of town, but I'm afraid this is the direction that hag Kathleen Kennedy is determined to take things.

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

The worst Star Wars movie by far. And also the least 'Star Wars-y' Star Wars movie. The creators have destroyed the soul of Star Wars. Credit to Mark Hamill for speaking out and admitting that Luke Skywalker is not the Luke Skywalker that he knew. Sadly, this will be remembered as the movie that knocked Star Wars from its pedestal among fans. The few memorable moments are only memorable because they are utterly cringe worthy. The new characters are abominations. I can only presume that Disney/Lucasfilm only employ cowards or Yes Men nowadays, because that's the only explanation as to why no-one behind the scenes spoke up and pointed out to the senior people at Disney/Lucasfilm what an absolute atrocity they were creating. The soundtrack is great though, so it gets one star for the soundtrack.

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

I saw this film on Dec 27th, I shouldn't have bothered. I shouldn't have been worried about plot spoilers and read the user reviews, the critical ones on here are correct so I won't repeat most of what has been said already, other than the film has death star sized plot holes, some of the most ridiculous plot devices, lame humour, hollow characters, pointless side plots, a complete disregard for the previous movies and Star Wars lore, and some of the most blatent political correctness I've ever seen in a movie. I won't be watching any more Disneyfied milking of this franchise if the upcoming movies are this bad.

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

I rated this movie lower because of how awfully suspect the critic ratings are. This movie was visually stunning and Mark Hamill and Adam Driver had awesome performances. The major problem with this movie is that it ignores basic storytelling aspects. This is supposed to be part of a trilogy which indicates that the story has some internal consistency. If this was a stand alone movie the writer/director can make their own decisions. Rian Johnson cast away every major decision that was laid out in the previous film. Some have likened it the children playing the game add to the story with a sentence until it gets to one who totally changes the story that came from those before. This movie had an inverse of the Empire Strikes Back story. Several of the characters serve no purpose. Major changes in the force made absolutely no sense when you look at previously established movies. People say there are bold choices. It is not bold to totally ignore established plot lines. So much is desperately wrong with this movie and the fact that the studio insults the intelligence of the audience makes it necessary to rate it even lower.

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

DON'T waste your money on this cheap half assed and pathetic attempt at ripping fans off from their money and Rian Johnson have the audacity to say that "it's too big to fail" well it failed you failed and let down 30 years of story and love for a amazing sci-fi series and Idk if you just wanted it to be too pg13 and we need to make rated R because right now the last Jedi is just a sad joke. It's like you didn't even watch force awakens which I already thought was bad but no let's keep lowering the bar for what we call a "great movie" and then you just try to dismiss fans ratings and just say we are nitpicky and trolling. No you are just a terrible movie producer and you apologize and withdraw this pile of crap. Kill it like Eragon and start over with a writing cast that actually cares about star wars not just wants to make another marvel style money machine.

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

Rian Johnson is a good director but we can honestly says that he's not shining when it's time to write... It's the perfect movie if you want to put your brain under the water for a bit.

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

A movie full of action sequences without any weight because there is no care put into adding any depth to the universe, making it feel pointless. There was a wonderful opportunity to go into detail about what happened to the Jedi, backstory of Kylo Ren, Snoke, Luke, the religion of the Jedi, anything. Yet the lazy approach was taken. Luke fails miserably as a Jedi instructor and doesn't even study the Jedi Scriptures to find out his error? Come on. Garbage film

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

Why critics loved this movie: it subverts and destroys everything that comes before, so it's "unexpected" and jarring. It turns the subtle humor into pure camp slapstick. It invalidates the original's journey of heroes by placing them all in a universe of ultimate failure, deep self-doubt, and sorrow for what could have been. It destroys well-loved characters in meaningless moments. Literally everything about this film is Anti-StarWars. Massive plot holes and ignored history are almost championed as the CGI dazzles your eyes, and the "powerful females" and "heroes aren't real, everyone is their own hero" memes are inserted erratically and without any real emotion. I think BB-8 is a good metaphor for this movie overall: instead of the charming and beloved character you got with R2D2, here you get a constantly spinning mess with no soul or love, and occasionally the head flies off because humor or something. This movie is an insult to movie-making, an insult to fans of the Star Wars universe, and an insult to storytelling.

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

This movie was the absolute worst star wars movie, and perhaps one of the worst "block buster" movies of the last few years. I was always a really big star wars fan, I first watched the original trilogy and then the prequels. I can understand some of the hate for the prequels, but these movies go so far beyond that. It was hard for me to realize that this wasn't some fan fiction written by a teenager, but was the product of millions upon millions of dollars. This movie had more plot holes than I can count. The political innuendos are all over the place (We get it you like women being in power). Why did the admiral of the rebel fleet have perfect hair, which was dyed purple, and was wearing a party gown? How can I take her seriously... Tons of cheap jokes thrown in randomly so no "serious" seen can be taken seriously. Remember all those theories about Snoke and how mysterious he was? Well apparently he's just a dumbass who got killed like an overly-talkative bond villain. Rey is still Miss Perfect and she even kinda kick's Luke's ass. Luke isn't a powerful jedi master in this movie, he's a depressed old man who failed at life. Coming into this you think you're gonna at least see him do something interesting considering he's supposed to be a legendary Jedi, but instead is incredibly underwhelming. I could go on and on about this pile but I would probably just be reiterating what others have said. I actually believe this movie deserves a score of 0.

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

The only good thing about this movie is that Episode I is no longer the worst one. I liked some stuff from Episode VII and I expected to see a good film, but Disney definitely ruined Star Wars with this one. I can't believe it's a 2:30 hours movie, I wanted to leave the theatre so badly... I guess it's a movie for children now, they probably enjoy the action, the awful gags and the FXs.

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

The Last Jedi is an awful Star Wars movie. It's boring, has too many forced jokes, ignores plot lines set up in The Force Awakens, and disrespects all the films before it.

User review rating: 1 January 29, 2018

The most offensive, disgraceful film I've ever seen. Utterly unforgivable. This is a giant FU to SW fans, make no mistake. This is a student grade political tirade, hijacking the biggest franchise in film. I'm astonished and speechless. Disney need to be brought down for this.

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