The Passion of the Christ - User Reviews

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4.73 / 5

User Rating User rating: 4.73

Based on 181552 votes and 876 reviews

  • User rating: 4.73 92.62%
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  • User rating: 4.73 6.37%

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User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

The negative aspect is the evil that tries to crucify this as being a film about hating jews. SO SO SO WRONG.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

I am so amazed at this film. It digs into the core of the final hours of Jesus Christ. The movie hits to the depth of your heart, you can`t help but feel extreme love for our savior. It was beautifully made, and I commend Mel for bringing it to the screen. This film makes you think about the great sacrifice our savior made for our sins. REMARKABLE.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

I loved it. I`m only 12 and begged my parents to take me. They explained to me there would be lots of blood and torture. I was scared by the evil figure more than the blood. I see more blood and violence on normal tv. I did not feel bad after seeing this movie and the evil spirit only scared me when it first appeared, I think it was a surprise. I slept well, had no nightmare and actually brought it up in class. We don`t learn religion at my school. I want to go to church and learn more. I feel so sad for Jesus and his mother.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

This movie is all about Hollywood. REMEMBER!! This is just MEL GIBSON`s INTERPRETATION of what happened. This isn`t what happened. It is so violent that it is all about shock value

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

I haven`t exactly seen the movie yet, but I know the story like the back of my hand, and it`s not anti-semetist. The Jewish people did not kill Christ. WE killed christ. People in general. The reason the movie seems anti-semetist is because the Jews were the people there at the time. Jews WERE the people. You could also say that its perjudiced against Italians because the Romans had a hand in killing Christ also. If the story were to happen anywhere else in the world at any other time to any other group of people, it would be the same story. Jesus came to the world to die for us. Who was there when it happened doesn`t matter, only that it did

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

one of the cruelest and most humiliating forms of punishment in the ancient world was, crucifixion. The Jewish historian Josephus best described as "the most wretched of deaths."1 Whereas in Seneca`s Epistle 101 to Lucilius, he argues that suicide is preferable to the cruel fate of being put on the cross. Mel had to show us it was not an easy why out for Jesus to prove he was a real prophet of GOD.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

Jesus died because of POLITICS. Pilate, the Roman Governor of Palestine, and his wife believe in Jesus and tried to set him free, but people listen to the accusations by the Pharisees and wanted Jesus crusified. Pilate, realizing he is confronting a political conflict, defers to King Herod. Herod wants no part of it and returns Jesus to Pilate who asks Jesus what he should do since he will be kill by Cezar if he messes up. Jesus tells him that he is not to blame and Pilate gives Jesus to the Pharisees to do has they please. This is happening now in our days all over the world.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

I`m Jewish. I did not feel a threat again me by watching this movie. I actually loved it. I want my family to see it with me on Saturday.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

Who inflicted the most pain on Jesus, not the jews but the Romans. How can you say this film is about Jews killing him. Jesus was Jewish so where is followers and family. Learn your history!

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

Its not all blood and violence. There is a story being told. Watch, listen, you would be surprise that many of the words are familliar to ours hears. I have arabic, french, italien, afhani friends that game with me and we all understood some of the words spoken. The story was touching without the "violence" if that`s what you want to call it, we wouldn`t get the true meaning of his sacrifice for mankind. This film is awesome. Go see it guys.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

Jesus resists Satan’s temptations and his betrayed by Judas. Pharisees confront him with accusations of blasphemy and his trial results in a condemnation to death. Jesus is brought before Pilate, the Roman Governor of Palestine, who listens to the accusations leveled at him by the Pharisees and realizes he is confronting a political conflict. Pilate who gives the crowd a choice between Jesus and the criminal Barrabas. The crowd chooses to have Barrabas set free and to condemn Jesus. Jesus is handed over to the Roman soldiers and flagellated Jesus is nailed to the cross and undergoes his last temptation,the fear that he has been abandoned by

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

Where is the Love some say? While dying on the cross in pain, Jesus asks GOD to forgive the ones that that tortured him, falsly accused him of being a fraud, and comdemmed him to death. ISN`T THIS LOVE! The PASSION is the belief for his fate. Jesus had to die in order for non believers to believe.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

I felt it was against Jews..

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

What vilolence could this film possibly bring? It`s part of history. Should we hate all Germans because of great war? Should we hate all Japanese because of Pearl Harbour.......? Christ shows us LOVE, FORGIVENESS. This is the true message of this film. We must all love each other. Great film Mel you deserve the ACADAMY.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

It is a magnificent movie that will be remembered for ages, like The 10 Commandments, despite being violent as it is supposed bo be. It was very gutsy of Mel Gibson to do this despite all adversities. It shows how firmly rooted he is in is in his faith. For those in doubt about the movie because of so many write-ups, pros and cons, just go and see the movie and decide f or yourself, you have free will and intelligence. But be warned that this is not like entertainment movies. It is a first of its kind.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

I`m a Catholic that was educated in Catholic Schools. Not once was I ever told anything bad about Jews or other relgions. Apart from Christianity, I was educated about Judaism and Islam. I was told to respect all religions and all Prophets of God. This film shows us what a true Christian must be, FORGIVING, LOVING, and NON JUDGING. My parents, my teachers and my priest did a good job in teaching me this since not once have I badmouthed another religion. I`ve gone to cynagogue and mosques and prayed along other faiths. God is one and Jesus was comdemmed by evil, not god loving people. Everyone should give this movie a chance. Go see it, feel

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

The BEST film ever made. Excellent work Mr. Gibson.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

I`m sorry, where was the "love" and "spirituality" most of you are refering to? Maybe by "love" you mean "buckets full of blood" and by "spirituality" you mean "torn flesh". As a film I was profoundly disappointed by The Passion of The Christ, the whole "Jesus died and suffered for all of us" was not backed up by any story line at all, all we saw was a man being tortured beyond belief with no apparent reason why. I guess you had to be a Christian to fill in the glaring holes which makes this nothing more than Mel Gibson preaching to the converted. I read one review that refered to the movie as "fundalmetalist pornography" and to be honest, I

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

I have never seen nor heard this story with so much passion and emotional love!

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

This opened my eyes to religion. I`m 19 years old and all I see is how messed up this world has become. Sex, Drugs, Viloance are all around me, everywhere I go these days. I`ve not learn much about religion and I don`t pray. I needed this film to give me hope because at 19 I`m depressed and lost. This movie is AWSOME. Last night I was on the net for hours after seeing the movie trying to learn about Jesus. I cried and cried and as a guy I`m not suppose to do this. I feel like a change person and I`ve made my first call to a drug rehab and I will become a better person. Thanks Mel your film gave me hope of a better life.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

The movie definitely portrays exactly how and why Jesus had suffered for us. The movie touched my heart and reminded me of the trials and tribulations we are expected to experience in life. Thank you.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

Was very touching.. Makes you really think about the eveils that humans can do to someone else.. makes you think about the evils we have done in our own lives to others.. very humbling.. The brutality is angering although it is a depiction of the truth therefore I forced myself to endure the sights I was seeing.. it was the least I could do

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

The best Jesus movie I ever seen..........

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

Two hours of unending brutality. So much brutality that the `shock value` of it becomes tedious rather than eye opening. Christ`s life and death was so much more than just the brutality of what he endured those last 12 hours. The resurrection could have been showcased more, as without that, the crucifixion is nothing more than brutality.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

A MUST SEE MOVIE OF 2004. It was beautiful, powerful, moving, touching and thought-provoking. It definitely lives up to its hype and personally I think the controversies surrounding the film will only encourage and provoke a larger audience. Its graphics and sensitive nature were not senseless like other movies out there so no one should shy away from it, but we should face head on.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

I love it. It really touched my heart. It was a life changing movie.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

Extremely thought provoking - but remember in those days they crucified people on a regular basis, so the "violence" is not over-rated. Religion aside, it`s still a great production ... although reading subtitles isn`t my preference

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

Mel , it needs power faith and passion to decide to play a movie like this , let god give you his blessings for every dormant or forgotten christian you wake him or her god bless you

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

What makes us more upset as a society here? The bloody, macabre gore of perverted horror flicks and brutal serial killer / rapist films or the scourging and crucifixion of this loving man Jesus ? Strange. If this movie can cause one person to say` "how sick of a film and a bad flick" while another person says,"the most amazing film I have seen," and this person claims to be deeply `moved,` I have to ask myself, " is there more involved here than just another film ?", this is something beyond my comprehension. My conclusion: Jesus must have really been just like the man portrayed in the film, gone through what was shown, and died how the film

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

Amazing! Everyone should see this movie with an open mind and heart. Religion aside, it makes you want to be a better person. Bravo to Mel Gibson!!!

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

My father was tortured and killed because of his political and religious beliefs. I never knew my father since he died a few days before I was born. Watching this masterpiece brought tears in my eyes, something I never did before. I can`t explain the pain I felt in my heart. I believe my dad was chosen by God to suffer for his people has Jesus suffered for all man kind, Jews, Christians, Muslims, etc.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

Alot of people complained about how graphic and violent this movie was. What Mel was trying to emphasis was Jesus`s sacrifice for our sins. I believe he had to remind us christians how much Jesus sacrificed for us. Jesus had the power to stop what was happening to him, and he didn`t. After seeing this movie and probably the most accurate account of what happened, would you have given in and stopped what was happening, if you were in his shoes? Bravo Mel for a job well done.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

It moved me to emotion in respect of my part in what put Jesus on the cross!

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

There aren`t words good enough to describe this movie. To say the least, this movie was intense and something everyone should see. It was a real wake up call. Mel Gibson should recieve every movie nomination there is for this movie. It was incredible.

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

It is a great movie! Tear from start to finish....I think everyone should see this movie. It is good....

User review rating: 0 February 27, 2004

You are all fools, take the bible for what it is. The bible is a BOOK, it is in no way a biography of what happened to Jesus. I can write you a book and claim that its the actual depictions of Jesus. How can you know if it is even true. Beliving that the Bible is an accurate depiction of the life of Jesus then you are a gulable idiot.

User review rating: 0 February 26, 2004

It`s the most inspiring and realistic, profoundly moving film I have ever seen about Jesus. I fell in love with Him and felt so deeply sorry for my contribution to His painful sacrifice for me. It has made me more aware of my priority in life - to seek Him and to know Him and to become like Him so others can know Him and love Him. Everyone should see this film but ensure they have the background from the gospels prior to seeing it especially non-Christians. I will see it many more times so that the impact of it is engrained in my heart forever. Jim Caviezel was perfect for the role of Jesusand He is the most realistic looking Jesus I ha

User review rating: 0 February 26, 2004

The best movie ever! As a non Christian I did not know who were the Romans and who were the Jews. I don`t think it mattered. This was about the passion a man, Jesus, had for his beliefs. It was about him enduring his destiny. As Jesus lays dying on the cross, an earthquake destroys part of the temple. The rabi who condemmed him has this look on his face, a look that says..... Jesus is the messiyah.... I want to know more about Jesus. Mel bring us the full story, please.

User review rating: 0 February 26, 2004

It was the middle of a work day and the cinema was full with people of all ages and religion. Everyone was foccused on this marvellous film. It touched my heart in ways I can`t begin to explain. I hope that Mel will give bring us the sequel, after the resurection. It would also be nice to get the full story from the immaculate conception to "the Passion Of The Christ", the day before he was tortured and cruxified. Everone, must see this film. It doesn`t condem anyone.

User review rating: 0 February 26, 2004

Very moving. Made me appreciate my faith even more. Best Movie

User review rating: 0 February 26, 2004

I never knew to what extent Jesus suffered for us until I watched this movie. Wow! i HAD TEARS IN MY EYES. The violence is reality and it did not make this gorry, it made me feel with my heart the pain of love. God Bless you Mel to make me understand what love is all about. Jesus prayed for his torturers as he was in so much pain himself. I`m 14 and I know from now on I will think twice about hurting someone in any way. Peace to all God`s creation.

User review rating: 0 February 26, 2004

This movie is about Jesus Christ and not about I will hate the Jews.

User review rating: 0 February 26, 2004

BEAUTIFUL LOVE!Life changing! Perfect. Beliefs incarnate! Powerful!

User review rating: 0 February 26, 2004

Simply put This movie was divine sent. We all need you Mel, your courage,obedience,gifts and love for the Lord. May God Bless you and your family abundantly.

User review rating: 0 February 26, 2004

Thank you Mr Gibson. I will be praying for you. God bless you.

User review rating: 0 February 26, 2004

Fantastic! Interesting to see that most of the negative comments are word for word taken out of the Globe & Mail. Only a self-centered person would miss the whole point of self-sacrifice for the good of others..

User review rating: 0 February 26, 2004

Thank you, Mel Gibson.

User review rating: 0 February 26, 2004

God bless this movie!

User review rating: 0 February 26, 2004

This movie was unbelievably fantastic. No one has ever and will never see anything like it again. It was fantastic in every single way. Outstanding job Mel Gibson!

User review rating: 0 February 26, 2004

Powerful movie, that will leave you virtually speachless at the end. It is very graphic, so its not for the faint at heart. I would recommend those of every walk, religious or not to see the movie.

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