The Social Network - User Reviews
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Much better than Facebook itself!
A truly masterful movie. It's rare that all the elements of film making come together to make such a great movie. It is a movie that reflects the times of which we live in and it shows a lot about greed, as much as it a movie about real genious. A fantastic movie!!
Excellent movie - an instant classic!!
Should have been the Best Movie! Even though The King's Speech was good,I feel it should have been a documentary! It was a political give away! The queen approved the movie, so I was not surprised to see this happen! I have seen five of the movies that were nominated out of the ten at your theatre! The ones that I saw were the following: Winter's Bone,Inception, Black Swan,The Social Network and The King's Speech! I was not able to attend the first five that were shown the previous Saturday! I personally wished that all ten were shown on the same day as last year!
you know what this is. this is me eating my own words. for months i said how stupid and unnessesary this movie is, but critic's loved it, so i gave it a chance. it was actually pretty good. i was impressed. the story kept my attention and the acting was amazing. still don't know how much is true though.
very intense, a good one to watch at home as there is little that would benefit from the large screen. Excellent acting.
i love anything written by Aaron Sorkin, so I enjoyed this. Zuckerberg not a very nice person if you believe this account. Interesting storey, but not the best picture or performance of the year....that goes to The King's Speech. Nice turn by Justin Timberlake.
Predicitable. Follows easy set up of emotional climax, physical climax and in the third act finding out the good guy is the bad guy, the bad guy is the good guy and all in all ends how you imigine it would
Awesome movie....such good, smart writing. I found this movie, about computers and geeks to be as thrilling as an action movie. Wierd, but true
I'll give it a 3.5, It was good, but it wasn't all that it was hyped up to be.
Really entertaining and informative at the same time! I thought the performances of Justin Timberlake, Jesse Eisenberg and Andrew Garfield were fantastic. Anyone who is on Facebook should enjoy the backstory of how it came to be!
A shoe-in for Oscar night!
did not like it.
This Movie was absolutely brilliant, I went into the theater with high expectations, something that usually tends to backfire on me because of all the rave reviews I have heard of this movie I thought I would give it a chance. I thought it told the story perfectly, and Justin Timberlake performance was fantastic and now I think of him as an actor more then a signer, a good reputation for him to drop. this movie had you hanging onto their every word and even inspired a few of my friends as far as how successful facebook got, maybe their ideas will work too.
Really well done movie. What this poor kid is portrayed as having gone through, what he learns about business, people and life in general while staying focused on his goals is incredibly inspiring. The psyche of the picture as a whole is enough to hold anyone's attention.
movie was very inspiring
This movie was for sure interesting! It gave me a whole new look on facebook and really made me think about the power of money and, well, power! These guys were best friends and ended up enemies and for what? The movie gave lots of detail, tied up lose ends, wasn't too slow and was over all pretty good. I did find it kind of sad that a movie was made about Facebook, but still interesting.
I really liked this movie, good acting and very entertaining
The Social Network had a well written storyline. It was also quite funny for a movies that is based roughly off of true events. It was a interesting way to see how Facebook was created.
Too glamorized for my liking. Rock Stars are not geeks.
I learned alot about Facebook from this movie, I liked that it was a real movie, not a boring documentary type movie. I have told my friends and family they should see it, its a good movie.
Good movie, interesting to see how the website was made, but a little long in my opinion,
I absolutely loved the movie and I am a very seasonal movie watcher. It is very entertaining and very modern. Worth watching, I would recommend it to a friend.
great movie!
Great movie, interesting how it all started. All it took was an idea!
Loved the movie. Very well done!
I really enjoyed this movie
well acted and an interesting story
Very interesting movie that lets us know how such a society changing idea came about... would recommend it to all.
Loved it great story line... interesting to know how Facebook was created!
The Social Network, is an interesting movie describing how Facebook came about. It's funny, in almost everyseen. and very informative. A quite enjoyable movie.
It was quite interesting seeing how facebook came about, I really enjoyed seeing where it came from.
it was an okay movie
I don’t go the movies often, but this one was worth the $13.00. It was a fascinating story behind the social phenomenon that we all know. The move was well acted, the flash back sequencing worked will with the story line and the quick and snappy dialogue was so modern and entertaining. This movie definitely didn’t need a lot of flash to really hold the audience’s attention.
I enjoyed the movie on the most part. i found out some things that i didn't know before and that made the movie that much more enjoyable. some parts if found weren't followed through enough like when he drops his friend/partner in favor of the other guy and there is not much of an explanation for it. also, there didn't seem to be much conversation between being dropped and hashing it out with the laywers. other than that i did like the movie and i went with my teenagers and after the movie we actually had a really good discussion about it.
Excellent acting and storyline!
Very nice blend of fact and speculation. Amazing how many reviewers believe this as if it was a documentary.
Excellent movie. Was sad to see how money came between friendship!
Although I have not read the book on which this film is based, I have found this movie to not only be entertaining but informative. I am doing a minor in media studies and not only does this film spark discussion it also takes you into the heart of how social networking has become what it is today. The characters are distinct and engaging. Justin Timberlake not only plays Sean Parker, he plays him well. He gives the character the right amount of essence by taking the bull by the horns and beating the crap out of it. Jesse Eisenberg is an actor who takes his parts seriously. The way he portrays a young mastermind in this film is truly an art. Although his character is a brainiac, his flaws ar
I really enjoyed this movie and the way Mark Zuckerburg was kept my interest from start to finish...the acting was superb, the story incredible and the delivery impeccable. I would recommend this movie to anyone who is a Facebook junkie like me.
This movie was very interesting because it showed how pop culture evolves around social circles.
Liked the style of filming in which flashing back in time and forward and how can see how different aspects of facebook became developed.
Not Bad.
As someone computer challenged thought there was a good possiility that I wouldn't like this movie, however I did & tell others that I liked it alot. The computer lingo/techy part was kept at a level for even me to understand; the performances were very realistic and J.T. in a small but pivotal role was excellent. Had a very pleasant surprise/movie experience.
Great movie. Interesting to know what happened on the way to North America's biggest phenomenon!
I found this movie to be real entertaining on how Facebook was created and all the controversy.
Interesting because of the subject matter but for me it's the kind of movie i would rent rather than see in on the big screen.
Fascinating movie and casting was superb. How an idea manifested into a billion dollar champion - creative thinking outside the box....very compelling!