Ticket to Paradise - User Reviews
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Fell asleep. Weak script shows how weak the actors really are. Avoid.
No storyline whatsoever. The only entertainment came from laughing at how bad it was.
This is such a feel good movie. It's really super cute and has some hilarious scenes. My only objection is that it had a pretty nasty word in it which I personally felt was not necessary. But the acting by Julia Roberts and George Clooney was some of their best work ever! We enjoyed it so much we went to see it twice.
Beautiful scenery, good example of how we let stupid things in life ruin a relationship when you really love the person. The best takeaway from the show was the line ‘why save the best for last’…do it today instead
Fun, Fun, Fun don't miss this one!
Predictable and kinda lame but overall feel-good and with little obvious political agenda, I’ll take it.
They should've cast likable people instead.
The Ticket to Paradise (movie) was very funny, touching, sensitive, acrimonious, beautifully photographed, professionally acted, and written as a script for nuance and reconciliation. The 'Twist of Lime' character, who keeps proposing marriage to divorced Julia Roberts character, is bit by a snake, head-butts Julia when she turns him down, and almost steals the show from our two major actors, Julia Roberts and George Clooney.
Funny and entertaining both Julia and George delivered it in those great dancing scenes! I really enjoyed this movie.
The more I think of this movie, after having seen it, I was astounded that these two actors would do this since it has such a bland and predictable script. Old gags and, as far as I am concerned, only the airline pilot was at least funny, pathetic, but funny. Julia Roberts plays her usual annoying self and even George cannot make the quick quips work most of the time. The popcorn was OK so I stayed till the end. I honestly cannot see anyone giving this five stars. That is like putting it up there with Citizen Kane and Private Ryan.
Refreshing! Funny, light, laugh out loud fun and uplifting. No bad language all bout Family. Roberts and Clooney work well together.
soooooo good
Beautiful scenery, shallow script, mediocre acting from supposedly 2 of Hollywood's "best". See it at home and save your money.
So good to see these two back together acting again.
BORING with a capital B.
Nothing special, an average RomCom
Expected two Hollywood legends to make movie history. Watched two Hollywood legends tumble off their pedestals. Was hard to watch such a bad script and poor acting skills….
thin plot predictable outcome
Loved it . Laughs and kept my attention ??
Julia Roberts boring face was so unpleasant in this movie. Lacked any connection among the characters. Location was great but made me feel like the producers just wanted an excuse to take a vacation. George Clooney was fun as always. Best part was when it was over.
Is one of the cleanest movies I’ve seen in a long time! A good bunny feel good movie!! Did not like the clothes that y’all chose for Julia Roberts to wear, I realize she was an eccentric artist, but really… she’s too cute to dress so sad! I guess you wanted everybody looking at George Clooney😂
When will Hollywood realize that George Clooney no longer makes good movies! He just doesn’t do anything challenging & his acting is not well done, in my opinion!!!
SO GOOD. Funny and entertaining. Great movie - definitely recommend!
Loved it even more the second time! Laughed out loud. Funny very entertaining with some great dance moves.
It was movie makes you smile I am tired of this moves they scared you and kids learn from them
Fun, lighthearted, enjoyable. An escape. What Hollywood use to do. A great night to relax and unwind.
Cute story, very enjoyable ! Loved every actor that was cast. And yes, the scenery was outstanding !
the scenery we incredible. it was like they went on vacation in Bali and decided to make a movie while they were there
This was definitely an “older” chick flick. A fun movie for sure. Really enjoyed it.
If you want to relax with some good entertainment and lots of chuckles, go see this movie!! We really enjoyed it!!
Julia Roberts is a cold fish who can't act at all. She projects no warmth at all, only evil. She's badly miscast in this film as she is in every film. She ruins everything. She ruined this movie
This was such a cute movie! It had some funny parts, and romantic. You don’t really find those kind of movies now a days that don’t have violence, sex or cussing in them. I was very happy to see that. A movie with class!
Great movie… clean, yet great story!!
Loved this movie. Nice not having to hear 4 letter words. Fun loving. 2 of my favorite actors.
Good romantic comedy! Funny parts and characters you actually like. It seems they don’t make enough romantic comedies anymore. I recommend this one
It was a lighthearted movie which made me laugh.
Charming stars and lots of laughs make this enjoyable for all.
Boring - same o same o laughs
Okay movie if say you have a couple of hours that you need to fill in while waiting for something. Normal mind numbing Hollywood fluff.
This was a great fun movie! Actors were cute and played their roles perfectly. We need more good wholesome movies like this.
I really enjoyed this, easy going and fun, beautiful scenery as well!
Why would two superstars play in a C grade movie? So fake. If this was on netflix I woukd fall asleep or change the selection. So unrealistic! Not reality at all! Very bizarre. Not a movie you want to pay for.
Great movie. Can’t go wrong with George Clooney and Julia Roberts! A lot of laughter
Love this movie full of fun and laughter. Good acting. Will see it again.
Tiring to watch!
FUNNY so much fun .Laugh out loud film. Just what I needed to relax in the best recliner chairs. Acting was really good. Kid you not first two Showtime's were sold out!!
It was a great movie
Loved this movie. Should be more movies like this instead of all that crap out there. Fun an funny!!!
The easiest movie-going experience of my entire life. A true feel-good film. A few flaws, but so much fun and never boring.