Suicide at Mel Gibson’s house

By Alexandra Heilbron on March 21, 2008 | 58 Comments

Mel GibsonA man was found dead on Wednesday at a property owned by Mel Gibson, according to the New York Post.  Law enforcement sources say that Mel and his family were not at the house in Agoura Hills, California, when the discovery was made. Because the house is under construction, Gibson doesn’t currently live there — he lives a short drive away in Malibu. The dead man is reported to be a 47-year-old construction worker who apparently committed suicide by hanging. The job site foreman at the house found the body and called police to the scene. The name of the deceased has not yet been released.

Comments & Discussion

  1. Dennis • March 21, 2008 @ 8:17 AM

    Honestly do you not have something better to report than this. Who cares that some nutbar hung himself. What a crock of shit……

  2. Pat • March 21, 2008 @ 8:33 AM

    Suicide is a great tragedy, and leaves many questions, and a great deal of unhappiness for family and friends of the person who has died. Just today there is a news report about increasing suicides amongst veterans. I think there should be more awareness, with an emphasis on helping prevent possible suicides, while respecting the privacy of individuals and their families.

  3. larry • March 21, 2008 @ 9:05 AM

    it just goes to show the worlds state of mind when a man commits suicide and our first reactions are, is there nothing better to report than this. Get a grip people, if this mans family thought a little more about him and his problems, he might still be alive. Just for one moment we should think of one other person problems and how we could help, you never know it might make all your problems seem trivial.

  4. Constance • March 21, 2008 @ 9:20 AM

    It’s interesting and sad to me that the media tries to grab our attention by reporting a suicide at Mel’s house under construction. If it wasn’t for where it happened, no one would care. Now that is a sad take on our society! (Whoever this man is that committed suicide, I feel sad for him, his family, and his friends. You have to have some really heavy-duty baggage to want to end it all. Very sad indeed).

  5. Amy Hansen • March 21, 2008 @ 9:54 AM

    Suicide is the worst way to lose a loved one, exspecially if you didn’t see it coming. I believe to say that the family should of paid more attention to him was a very careless and thoughtless thing to say. No one is to blame for the situation. You can’t help someone if they don’t want to be helped.

  6. Sandra • March 21, 2008 @ 10:09 AM

    Its a terrible tragedy about the man who decided to end his life, my condolences to his family. I am reading alot about everyone and the sometimes astonishment reactions to a tragedy like this. Not once has anyone asked about how the Gibson family is doing, rich or not, they still have feelings and it must be upsetting to them to find out someone has done this in their home. My heart goes out to both families.

  7. Leon Toille • March 21, 2008 @ 10:25 AM

    well the title is designed to be sensational, worthy of the lowest tabloid….what a waste of time…..stick with your purpose unless you want to lose readers….

  8. Christina Klepic • March 21, 2008 @ 10:39 AM

    I think it is a very great lost for this mans family…
    The media as usal has made a big thing out of it..
    Well Mel public eye is public eye weather it is good or bad…

  9. nichole • March 21, 2008 @ 10:43 AM

    honestly this would freak the crap out of me if someone killed themselves in my home. What was he thinking? that he wanted to be remembered for killing himself at mel gibson’s house? well thanks to this it worked! and now there will be a spree of news seekers that do the same. it’s sad that if your life has such little meaning that you end it…why need the fame? I feel bad for his and mel gibson’s family…they will always know that a troubled man died in their home.

  10. Kathy Gagne • March 21, 2008 @ 10:46 AM

    Well suicide happened in my family and absolutely no one who has not experienced the horror can know the guilt that is carried for the rest of the survivors lives. It has been 18 years this November and the sadness and feeling of pain will always be there. My heart and thought go out to the family whose member chose to end his life. I agree that must be a terrible thing for the Gibson family to come to terms with.

  11. none of ur business • March 21, 2008 @ 10:54 AM

    One question – would they have reported this if the suicide was at the man’s home? Yes, suicide is a tragedy but it is a very selfish act. There is no one to blame but the man who committed suicide. I think it’s terrible that the media thinks the important news is the fact that it happened in a star’s home.

  12. Bonny • March 21, 2008 @ 10:55 AM

    So sad for the mans family and sad that this bad news put Mel Gibson in the spotlight again. Sounds like some bad Karma’s floating around!

  13. Steve • March 21, 2008 @ 10:57 AM

    I agree, this is not newsworthy, in fact,this item shows a serious lack of class. How about getting some ethical backbone.

  14. Kitty • March 21, 2008 @ 11:55 AM

    It is really sad that in todays society we are overworked and so stressed out. Hasn’t anyone noticed that they are keeping our minds so preoccupied so we don’t see what is really happening to our world. Unfortunately it is just too much for some.

  15. Pat • March 21, 2008 @ 11:56 AM

    This restores my hope in mankind. I am so proud of you all – decent people everyone, and compassionate. Your thoughts are also mine.

  16. Taurus • March 21, 2008 @ 11:56 AM

    It is definitely a very tragic the way he had to die. This man was obviously feeling hopeless, lost, low-self esteem, no one to talk to even his co-workers. I believe there should be more awareness of suicide in the workplace, academic insitutions, etc. It should be mandantory a centre (suicide, personal relationships, personal problems) where a person can go without feeling attack. Also, any individuals’ should be able to spot when someone who is acting out of character whether sad, alone or aggressive and please try to reach out to such person. Every person that thinks of suicide is human and nothing less. If there was love for one another as defined in the Words of God I am sure there would be less hate for one another. I myself have experience a dear close friend commit suicide in a phychiatric instituion. For me it was unforeseeable and it hit me greatly. It cause me a lot of grief and sadness and I was able to workout through counselling. Last but not the least ’cause this incident happened in Mel’s Gibson’s home, news spread like fire. There are so many destitute individuals’ whom commit suicide every second but there is no mention of this.

  17. Lola • March 21, 2008 @ 12:18 PM

    Hey Dennis,
    Whays your problem don’t you have a heart that man may of had a family a wife and children but I’m sure you would have never thought of that with your pea size brain.
    I would hate to see what you would say if it was a family member of yours.
    I bet you are a real LOSER in real life because you sure sound like a ass hole to me.

  18. GREATES CITY IN CANADA. TORONTO • March 21, 2008 @ 12:50 PM


  19. tributegirl • March 21, 2008 @ 1:03 PM

    I really feel for the man’s loved ones, as well as Mel and his family. I can’t imagine losing a loved one in this way, or having something like this happen in my home. Kathy Gagne, I am also very sorry for your loss. Sometimes a person can be in a very deep pit of depression, but they put on a false face, no one even knows they are hurting until it is too late. What a terrible thing to have happen. My deepest sympathies go out to everyone who has lost someone like this.

  20. peg • March 21, 2008 @ 1:04 PM

    Yes, i agree with lola. Dennis is a real asshole with no heart. I’m curiuos as to what he might say to, if in fact this type of tradgedy happend in his own family? Would he appreciate people saying the exact things that he said? I think not! No one can ever understand what brings a person to feeling that they have nothing left in life, that they feel they need to do this.I feel so sad to think that this happens to much in life, and we need a place for people to go to talk to someone, when they feel they have no one, a place where they will not be judged by idiots such as DENNIS! Who is a nutbar himself for saying such things about another human being!!!!

  21. tributegirl • March 21, 2008 @ 1:33 PM

    Right on, Peg.

  22. Ashley • March 21, 2008 @ 1:45 PM

    o well he did it himself so who really cares just dont blam the owner of the house and all will be good

  23. Ashley • March 21, 2008 @ 1:47 PM

    I was just kidding

    so dont be haten

  24. Nancy • March 21, 2008 @ 2:17 PM

    Peg: CONTRADICTION!!!! I DON’T agree with Dennis at all, but that is his opinion. YOU, on the other hand,called Dennis a “nutbar” (for saying such things about another human being)…he said the guy was a “nutbar”!??????????????
    Larry: Why would you blame the guys family? Maybe he, like most people who commit suicide, did not tell his family and friends his problems.
    I think the guy was a very selfish S.O.B to do that in someone else’s home!! Especially since Mel is so religeous. 10 minutes of fame….even in death! A shame what lengths people will go to to get it, and who they hurt!!

  25. Nancy • March 21, 2008 @ 2:21 PM

    Now……..thinking of this as a “SCANDAL”, as Anonymous accused me of,……were Mel and his wife and Britney Spears not having a meeting of the minds this past week?? LOL

  26. Cuddles McSpastic • March 21, 2008 @ 2:32 PM

    Rats! I was so hoping it was Mel himself.

  27. Poppa John's in Exile • March 21, 2008 @ 3:03 PM

    AHA!! I knew that the residents of TORONTO worshipped something other than GOD, due to the fact that they think their city is the best in Canada. Let’s take a look shall we:

    The best for getting shot innocently on the streets as a result of gang violence.
    The best for letting criminals back out on the street after gun crimes.
    The best for getting illegal weapons at a discount rate.
    The best for having a father gunned down in the same vehicle as his small daughter.
    The “best” damn gun and gang culture in Canada ( rejoice gangsters, your city won!!!).
    The best Damn dessert in town( Just Desserts) but you may have to die innocently while eating it. Take your chances!!
    The best for a mother to end up in a wheelchair while standing in line at a Sub Shop waiting for a sandwich.
    And they all worship something named “GAD” ( see GREATES CITY IN CANADA-TORONTO above)and refer to America when they are talking about Canada. Now that’s something to aspire to. But don’t worry Toronto, you’re not too far off.

    As for this suicide story above, at least the man didn’t take out his problems on the world and kill a bunch of innocent people along with him. Thank GAD!!

  28. Yo Yo • March 21, 2008 @ 3:21 PM

    They made the title sound like that one of Mel Gibson’s family members suicided. The current Media is good at spinning stories!!!

  29. Tracy • March 21, 2008 @ 3:34 PM

    If it happened somewhere else than a star’s house you wouldn’t be reporting this… Who cares it happened at Mel Gibson’s house.
    Is this really news?

  30. Sunny • March 21, 2008 @ 3:46 PM

    This is a terrible tragedy no matter where it happened. My condolences to the family. We don’t always know when someone is at this low point in their life, but education and awareness needs to continue. Most people that are serious about suicide hide it really well. They don’t ask for help and go on as if everything is fine. If someone is down and then suddeny appears to be upbeat…this is a warning! Take care of your loved ones and treat them as if it is their last day. You never know…it just might be!

  31. Edmgal • March 21, 2008 @ 4:05 PM

    Depression is an illness and it is not easy to treat and fight. It can strike anybody. Nobody should be judging another, until it has touched your own life – perhaps a person won’t understand. It is sad that someone lost their life to their depression,but to judge him or his family would be like judging someone that passed away of cancer. My condolences go out to his family and to any family that has lost a loved one. My prayers go out to them as well, and to anybody that is sufferring with any mental illness.

  32. Anonymous • March 21, 2008 @ 5:30 PM

    Personally, I couldn’t move into that house now. I would have to sell it. And unfortunately under California Law you have to disclose that someone died there.

  33. Paulo • March 21, 2008 @ 5:47 PM

    Its so upsetting when suicide is the only answer a person has. I feel incredibly bad for them & thier families.

  34. Cuddles McSpastic • March 21, 2008 @ 5:54 PM

    You mean it still ISN’T Mel??? Rats! I was hoping the police had just made a mistake. Damn the LAPD!

  35. STACEY LEWIS • March 21, 2008 @ 6:05 PM


  36. tributegirl • March 21, 2008 @ 6:35 PM

    And yet, Stacey, here you are, wasting time reading this and posting your comments. That makes you no better than any of the rest of us. If you don’t like this sort of reporting and commenting, then you are on the wrong site.

  37. Poppa John's in Exile • March 21, 2008 @ 7:04 PM

    YEAH!! What SHE said!! Don’t come back too soon, ya HEAR????

  38. Lorna • March 21, 2008 @ 8:46 PM

    Anyone can commit suicide anywhere at any time. Something becomes the last straw for them. (My brother suicided in 1982 so I have some personal knowledge here.)
    We will likely never know what that something was. Nor is it any of our business, unless the deceased was a family member. I am truly sorry for his family.
    As to the worth of the property someone will buy it anyway because it was owned by Mel Gibson, suicide not withstanding.

  39. joker • March 22, 2008 @ 12:17 AM

    The truth was they forced him to watch all of Mel’s movies.What a way to go!

  40. Mike • March 22, 2008 @ 2:27 AM

    Does anyone know if he left a note? I sure hate it when they do not bother to take the time to write a letter. It just leaves everyone wondering Why? why? Why? So please people, take the time to draft a quick goodbye note so everyone does not have to be left wondering. Thank-you.

  41. Nancy • March 22, 2008 @ 9:23 AM

    Maybe Mel bored him to “death” with the ol’ fish bowl speech!!

    Ya, ya…all you goody, goodies don’t even bother!! So what? I cracked a joke! Ha ha ha ha.

  42. Rosie • March 22, 2008 @ 10:13 AM

    My heart goes out to both families for the death of their loved one. When one commits suicide, they always leave victims. I know I was a victim, as my husband killed himself. It is really a tough thing to go through! Took many years of therapy for me.
    I am sad to hear that Denis is so uncaring. God forbid, it should happen in his family!
    Sure, it hit the headlines because of where it happened. These people are not ‘nutbars’ but very troubled and sometimes there are not resources for help. Whatever the reason, this man did this, may he “rest in peace”.


  43. Kay • March 22, 2008 @ 10:45 AM

    The title was meant to make you think that it was Mel or a member of his family, that’s how they get you to read it. I agree that if it happened other than in a famous person’s home, there wouldn’t be noticed or at least reported.
    Papa John, with all the anger you have, maybe someone should keep an eye on you, and how did you get so well informed on Toronto? I’m sure that there are some other cities that are just as bad when it comes to crime, guns, and violence and not all in Canada.

  44. Nancy • March 22, 2008 @ 11:41 AM

    Poppa John’s in Exile….I’ve GAT my eye on you!! Thank GAD somebody does, cause the Torontonians are out ta getcha now!!! LMFAO!

  45. Kay • March 22, 2008 @ 12:07 PM

    Not a Torontonian, just someone who thinks that Poppa John’s comments are opinion not facts, and he has a right to his opinion, as do I. He made it seem like Toronto would be the worst city and there are probably places just as bad or worse. I think he has some issues with Toronto and wonder if he has ever been there.

  46. Poppa John's in Exile • March 22, 2008 @ 5:18 PM

    I live in Toronto, actually. been here 16 years.

  47. Poppa John's in Exile • March 22, 2008 @ 5:29 PM

    Being well-informed is just reading the Sun, hearing gunshots from time to time, and sirens all the time. I’ve had a friend left in a wheelchair one night from out drinking, he got shot by four dudes. I don’t even go to pubs because of the guns. They seem to be shooting for nothing these days. No value for human life, a guy can’t even scrap it out with someone anymore, it’s a gun and then…boom. Over. Done. Finished.
    I don’t know where you’re from, Kay, but I’ve lived in Vancouver for 2 years and Montreal for one. There are no random gun shootings, because criminals at least have their shit together in those cities, and would shoot any petty criminal who brought the law down on them. In Toronto everybody wants to be a gangster, and sadly enough, it’s glorified in the media. I AM going to be moving, my house has been up for sale for a month now. Would you like to buy it and move to TO? ‘Cause there haven’t been many takers, yet. You’re more than welcome. I’ll even knock a few grand off of the price just to get out of here. Am I angry? Yes. I have every right to be. I was lied to by a realtor and have been stuck in a scene from “Boyz in the Hood” for 6 years now. Am I fed up? you bet. But I only tell the truth, plain and simple.
    You can be swayed by those “Toronto the Good ” Campaigns if you like, it’s a ploy to get your money. I have. And I’m still paying.

  48. Kay • March 22, 2008 @ 7:42 PM

    Lived in Toronto for 2 years, heard a few shots when I was there. Lived in Vancouver for 3 years, watched a 11 year old kid die in the street, he was wearing the wrong jacket, another kid wanted it, so he shot him. A girl was beaten to death for no apparent reason by a group of kids, something to do. I lived in New York for a few years too and you better not be in the wrong place at certain times. I had a friend shot outside a bar in London, another one had his throat slit from ear to ear in a little town where I lived. It’s not where, it’s the way people look at the value or lack of value of life. You have a right to your opinion of Toronto, at least you are not one of these people who just think they know, you have lived it. I’m just so tired of these people who don’t have any facts, just their opinions. I’ve already done to “TO” thing and have moved on to a different place.
    Good luck

  49. tributegirl • March 22, 2008 @ 7:59 PM

    When did you live in NY Kay? I was there a year ago, my brother works there, has been in the city for many years now. When I was there last year, it was great, even during the night I felt totally safe. Apparently it is a totally different city than it was before 9-11. According to my brother (he’s an actuary, so he’s right into statistics), Halifax, Nova Scotia now has more murders per capita than New York City. And Halifax has nothing on Toronto. I think Halifax is becoming a lot like Toronto in that if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time, you can kiss your life goodbye. Swarmings and beatings happen to people all the time for no reason at all, they are just totally random.
    So, Poppa John, I hope you get the h*ll out of TO and SOON!

  50. Kay • March 23, 2008 @ 1:14 AM

    Early 90’s, drove truck out of NY for 6 years. There were areas in the city that you didn’t leave your truck over night or your load would get ripped off or they trashed the truck. I was so glad to get another run that took me across the country and into Canada.

  51. Alex • March 23, 2008 @ 8:05 AM

    This is for Steve. If you don’t like news that pertains to celebrities, don’t read gossip sites. They all have this story, why don’t you just go bash everyone? It shows a definite lack of class to come to a site, read a story and then bash it when it is related to entertainment and was even on the regular news (I heard it on a news station before reading it here). Get a life and don’t come here if you don’t think a man being hanged in a celebrity’s house isn’t newsworthy. Go read a paper, because it’s obvious that’s something you never do, otherwise you’d have a heart attack from being so angry.

  52. Michel • March 23, 2008 @ 9:07 AM

    Hey Dennis, did anybody dear to your heart ever commit suicide ? Surely not and I don’t wish it upon you. The real “nutbars” in this are people like you who don’t care about anything but themselves. Suicide IS a tragedy that can be prevented. Obviously not by people like you though. Peace !

  53. Retro • March 23, 2008 @ 12:48 PM

    If I had to work on Mel Gibson’s new house, I’d probably kill myself to.

  54. SEAN • March 23, 2008 @ 2:33 PM



  55. maureen • March 23, 2008 @ 2:35 PM

    I did not pay attention to all the other crop all i want to do is wish the family & friends of who this construction worker all the strength to deal with this, the fact that it happened at Mel’s house, is what all the buzz, buzz is all about suicide happens at local people’s places all the time and no intrest or attention paid, If he has children there goes one more child or some more children without a father he is surely somebody’s child so all of you put your heart in the right place, to take away ant thought of suicide. Take God on your side, because he is the healer, the provider of all things, and he would be the only one to change plans like these.

  56. Nancy • March 23, 2008 @ 6:46 PM

    Maureen: I think you mean GAD!!

  57. sam • March 26, 2008 @ 12:02 AM

    This is rediculus who cares? If anyone did then he wouldn’t have killed himself. It was only reported because it was at Mel Gibsons house.

  58. Shandy • March 31, 2008 @ 10:32 AM

    Personally I was hoping it would have been Mel. That racist doesn’t deserve the money he has. Maybe this is a bad omen for him and his family. I can only pray.

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