Trap for Cinderella DVD review

By Marriska Fernandes on April 22, 2014 | Leave a Comment

French director Iain Softley’s Trap for Cinderella is a psychological thriller that dwells into the lives of two young women. Micky (Tuppence Middleton) is a 20-year-old woman who escapes an explosion at her family home. After undergoing many surgeries, she can barely recognize herself and has little memory of what happened. With the help of a few diary entries, she pieces together her past and the fire that killed Domenica (Alexandra Roach), her childhood friend. Micky eventually remembers her carefree life, filled with late-night parties and several glasses of alcohol. She recalls that shortly before the fire, she reconnected with Domenica. She also slowly remembers they were separated for many years due to a tragic event. However, just months before the fire, Domenica, a quiet and reserved bank teller, quit her job to reunite with Micky.

The movie drifts back and forth between the past and present, leaving the viewers with a mixed view of the plot. Although the plot is interesting, the constant flashbacks get confusing. Tuppence and Alexandra do their best to set the tone of their characters, but the movie doesn’t really give their characters enough room to develop. This British erotic thriller is filled with twists and turns as the audience slowly learns all the pieces of the puzzle. ~Marriska Fernandes

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